Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , what about Sam , who takes the Ring but hands it back with only momentary delay , Pippin and Merry , who show no desire for it at all , Aragorn , Legolas and Gimli , who display the same indifference without the excuse of ignorance , and Boromir 's brother Faramir , who realises the Ring is in his power but refuses to take it , with no more sign of mental turmoil than a ‘ strange smile ’ and a glint in the eye ?
2 Thus a program was written which , given a suggested set of grade boundaries , would evaluate their effects in terms of : ( i ) the numbers of staff by " before " and " after " grade ; ( ii ) the overall percentage upgrading and downgrading ; ( iii ) the percentage changes by grade ( that is the percentage of staff in each " before " grade who are upgraded , who remain the same grade and who are downgraded ) .
3 Study the competition , the commercials and the advertisements of other manufacturers who make the same thing .
4 This contrast is used to explain why the Japanese are said to feel less class conscious than Westerners because vertical loyalties within companies , say , are more important than horizontal relations with other people who occupy the same position but who work for different companies .
5 Not for British architects the spoiled role of their Finnish counterparts who command the same prestige in society as pop stars do in Western society .
6 ‘ Friends who want the same place and the same wife , ’ the pretty girl replied .
7 He told Mr Major : ‘ This is a well-deserved honour for you and a great encouragement for all of us who hold the same convictions . ’
8 Two people who speak the same language can always work towards an understanding about what each of them is talking about and what each of them wishes to achieve by what they say .
9 Many more authorities who accept the same view could be cited .
10 This is inferred from the increase in the joint registration of illegitimate births by parents who give the same address , published since 1983 .
11 The crying continued after that , and continues , but now with other parents who face the same kinds of problems .
12 Remember it 's likely your problem will be common to many other women who attend the same surgery .
13 Remember it 's likely your problem will be common to many other women who attend the same surgery .
14 Honestly , I do n't invent the singing waiters , acrobatic chefs , undiscovered Kenneth Branaghs and owners who tell the same joke twice .
15 That 's a shame because I do n't normally use overheads and I 've got into them this year and er my stats group in particular , who get the same sort of treatment as you do , have actually said th
16 I know many other dog and cat owners who feel the same .
17 But there are three other guys left in the tournament who feel the same way . ’
18 Those days climbing at Swanage and the Lizard reminded me of some familiar truisms , so easily lost when one is chained to the desk : that the spice of adventure and uncertainty , faced in partnership with others who feel the same , is at the core of all good climbing .
19 As a child I was taken to the dread Hector McDarroch in Glasgow and he did my dental work right up to my teens Friends of my youth tell me that he inspired a similar lasting fear in them , too , and in fact there must be a whole generation of Glaswegians who feel the same .
20 I 'm certain that there are people here who feel the same .
21 Israel is thrilled at the pace of absorption , and accuses the Arab world of manufacturing false conflict and fear ; a conflict that is whipping up greater hostility among two peoples who claim the same land .
22 A line which is drawn on a map around the area where speakers live who use the same particular linguistic feature .
23 For instance , it may be available to members of a family who use the same for a number of days during the year or for weekends .
24 It is found by subtracting the proportion of the working class attending selective secondary schools from the proportion of the service class who do the same ; in this case , d = 0.719 - 0.237 , or +0.482 .
25 You get on and do your own thing , and respect others who do the same .
26 I met many + tenants on similar estates who do the same thing — their heating amounts to " taking the nip out of the air " and putting on cardigans to go into the bathroom or kitchen .
27 But where is the accountability in a policy that abrogates responsibility , or in a Government who do the same ?
28 In his message of greetings to Mr Major — in which he used the intimate German du form of address , rather than the formal Sie he uses in exchanges with President Franois Mitterrand — Mr Kohl emphasised that the election result was ‘ a deserved honour for you and a great encouragement for all of us who share the same convictions ’ .
29 But for identical twins — who share the same genes — it rockets to 45 per cent if one twin is already divorced .
30 It forms the basis of social unity or social solidarity since individuals will tend to identify and feel kinship with those who share the same values as themselves .
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