Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He would flirt with the girls who sold them to him and pretend they were a present for his mother .
2 They had come to see the show and my guilt for neglecting them afterwards was eased by Pam and Kath , also at the show this evening , who entertained them in my absence .
3 ‘ Members of this tribe were by no means ready to work for any European who asked them to ’ , wrote Elspeth Huxley ; ‘ They were very particular and only entered the service of men whom they liked . ’
4 They were shooed away by the Sheikha , who rebuked them for being naughty and greeted me almost in the same breath .
5 Now that those people have run up those enormous debts , where are the Labour Members of Parliament who led them into that position ?
6 The choice of Natal is strange as captain Craig Jamieson , the man who led them to the Cup in 1990 , is still very much involved in rugby .
7 And members are still less than enamoured with their district council group leader , Coun John Richardson from Willington , who led them to the disastrous defeat .
8 The Runefangs were presented to the ruling Emperor who divided them between the Elector counts .
9 On their return to the hotel , the three were caught climbing a security fence by armed guards who mistook them for Scotland fans .
10 Had the two friends discussed her in the way men probably did when they looked at a young woman who passed them in the street ?
11 Robin Gurdon , who met them at army headquarters , was to guide the party through the southernmost part of the British lines as they hoped that by skirting the edge of the depression , they would avoid any main concentrations of German troops .
12 Who met them on the beaches ?
13 Hodai told Rostov that the major-domo who met them in the antechamber of the palace was a N'pani , the only foreigner with any authority at the court .
14 The two men have different versions of the meeting which followed , and there were no witnesses except for a waiter who interrupted them in the middle of the shouting match and asked if they wanted any sandwiches .
15 It was Mr Gorbachev , after all , who got them into this mess .
16 It was their own form-master Sam Sylvester who got them into the trouble in the first place .
17 His comments brought an angry response from the executive director of Scottish Financial Enterprise , James Scott , who described them as confused nonsense .
18 Their common-sense ideas about life , good housekeeping and the rest were ignored by government after government , who regarded them as an over-productive milch-cow .
19 This idea inspired knights from France to flock to the assistance of the struggling Christian kingdoms in northern Spain ; but there was clearly a nice distinction between the attitude of men north of the Pyrenees , who regarded the Muslim as the wicked infidel , as cattle for the slaughter , and the Christians who had lived among them in Spain and who regarded them as misguided fellow-humans .
20 Cigarettes , so cheap and in such large numbers , were snapped up even by non-smokers , who regarded them as some new kind of currency ; and the little bottles , so exquisitely miniature , ‘ twee ’ , as Sister Dew put it , could have nothing wicked about them even for teetotallers .
21 The wolves were hunted to extinction in the 1920s , at the request of ranchers who regarded them as a threat to cattle .
22 The Bidston Dock cranes have been a feature of the Wallasey landscape but unpopular with some local residents who regarded them as an eyesore and the cause of television reception problems .
23 What cases like these show is not just that reform measures are often ineffectual , it is that — as with word meanings — their reception and transmission can not be controlled by the people , in this case the feminists , who proposed them in the first place .
24 These have long been associated with the arch-priest of uniformitarianism , Charles Lyell , who used them as the frontispiece of his great proselytising work " Principles of Geology " .
25 Founded by David Blechner and Jack Schumann in 1973 , the firm started out as a computer bureau , hiring time on its computers to customers who used them for their own jobs .
26 These pairs are alphabetically listed and linked to the name of any author who used them in the title of the article that he wrote .
27 It is only after the death and complete dehumanization of the suicide that they threaten physical harm to those who offended them in life .
28 A few lay on the ground in exhausted or inebriated sleep , oblivious to children and dogs who clambered over them , or to the kicks from porters who found them in the way .
29 The Picts are said to have fiercely resented their subjection to the Saxons and attacked Ecgfrith who defeated them with the help of his sub-king ( subregulus ) , Beornhaeth ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 19 ) , probably between the Avon and the Carron ( in Manau of the Gododdin ) .
30 Entrepreneurs , by their nature , are relatively thin on the ground — and an ungrateful lot not given to remembering those who helped them on the first , shaky steps on the ladder .
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