Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [pron] as " in BNC.

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1 When John McEnroe stunned the tennis world by beating Boris Becker at the Australian Open , after a succession of resounding defeats from the player who succeeded him as Wimbledon Champion in 1985 , he described it as ‘ getting a monkey off my back . ’
2 He gave land to Chad at Barrow in Lindsey for the building of a monastery ( HE IV , 3 ) , and when Chad died Wynfrith , who succeeded him as bishop , was evidently abbot of Barrow ( HE IV , 6 ) .
3 In the early 1640s Best compiled an account of his farming methods and other country matters , such as ‘ the fashions att our Country weddings ’ , for the benefit of his son , John ( 1620–69 ) , who succeeded him as lord of the manor .
4 Rose 's pupil , who succeeded him as the royal gardener .
5 His brother , who succeeded him as the Emperor Leopold II , was able to restore peace in the disturbed areas only by a skilful mixture of force and concessions .
6 Ramos , a Protestant , was criticized on Feb. 18 by the influential ( Catholic ) Archbishop of Manila , Cardinal Jaime Sin , who attacked him as a former Marcos stooge and expressed his preference for Mitra , thus denting Ramos ' dwindling support within the LDP .
7 Chief gusher was American author , Camille Paglia , who described her as ‘ one of the most complex personalities of the 20th century . ’
8 The performance of Lucy Alcorn ( Mrs Montgomery ) was also noted by Mr Poynor who described her as a ‘ natural , easy actress . ’
9 That he was a hard-line Calvinist is confirmed by Anthony Wood [ q.v. ] , who described him as ‘ a puritanical theologist ’ .
10 There was always an enormous difference between the economic perceptions of those who initially had Conservative and Labour preferences , especially those who described themselves as party ‘ supporters ’ .
11 One problem with the evaluation of these results is the possibility that the women who described themselves as housewives did so because this was an interview about housework .
12 In 1985 I received letters from several women who described themselves as ‘ former secretaries ’ for Proctor and Gamble .
13 This letter was also signed by Arthur Withers who described himself as ‘ a member of the advance guard ’ .
14 The appellant , who described himself as a self-employed accountant , falsely claimed to be an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and a graduate or member of the Institute of Marketing .
15 However , his denials were rejected by Barnard who described himself as a scapegoat and claimed that there was " a cover-up going on from ministerial level down " .
16 Duriez , who described himself as a pacifist , admitted that he had been to some of the raid locations .
17 And a man who described himself as an animal right activist , but insisted that he should n't be idenfied , watched today 's court case closely .
18 His comments brought an angry response from the executive director of Scottish Financial Enterprise , James Scott , who described them as confused nonsense .
19 John 's strict paternalism fascinated the New York newsmen who described it as ‘ Tiller 's puritanical blue laws ’ .
20 Also on Beinn Bhan , Der Riesenwand was climbed by Roger Webb by the original line , and Robin Clothier by an accidental direct finish ( sorry , partners unknown ) , and Gully of the Gods by Robin Beadle and Martin Moran , who described it as a superb but straightforward grade V.
21 Predictably , the plan was rejected by the chief Israeli negotiator Elyakin Rubinstein , who described it as " a plan for a Palestinian state in all but name " .
22 However , news of the £270,000 package sparked anger from workers and the St Helens town council leader who described it as ‘ a slap in the face . ’
23 Caroline Moore , who described herself as a professor of dance , occupied number 1 .
24 And a women who described herself as a social worker .
25 Finally , there was Miss Marita Calagarri , who described herself as an unemployed ship 's cook .
26 ‘ The English are great lovers of themselves , and of everything belonging to them ’ , wrote the Venetian diplomat Andrea Trevisano at the end of the fifteenth century ; ‘ they think that there are no other men than themselves , and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner , they say that he ‘ looks like an Englishman' ’ and that ‘ it is a great pity that he should not be an Englishman ’ , words echoed exactly in 1521 by the Scottish scholar John Major ; while the German knight Nicolas von Popplau , who visited England in 1484 , found a people who regarded themselves as the wisest in the world .
27 In a few generations , there was a new class of Britons who regarded themselves as part of the Roman empire and ‘ Roman ’ in a broad sense .
28 He was a Georgian by birth ; did he , then , share the fierce nationalistic pride of his fellow-countrymen , or had his orphanage moulded him into one of the bland , rootless vegetables who regarded themselves as Soviet citizens ?
29 When Ken was in a bad mood or turned on people who regarded themselves as close friends , it was mostly a reaction to the way he saw himself — a failure to be what he wanted to be most .
30 His dedication brought him swift advancement at the cost of alienating his contemporaries , who regarded him as an arrogant , stand-offish prig .
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