Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 King George III used every means to manipulate the House of Lords into throwing out the India Bill and in Lord Rosebery 's rotund phrase : ‘ The Peers , who yearned for lieutenancies or regiments ; for stars or strawberry leaves ; the prelates who sought a larger sphere of usefulness ; the minions of the bedchamber and the janissaries of the closet ; all , temporal or spiritual , whose convictions were unequal to their appetite , rallied to the royal nod . ’
2 On an eerily quiet night at Celtic Park — wind and driving rain had done little to add lustre to a low-key occasion — it was Hibs who made the brighter start .
3 On an eerily quiet night at Celtic Park — wind and driving rain had done little to add lustre to a low-key occasion — it was Hibs who made the brighter start .
4 Quickest winner was former St Teresa 's amateur Andrew Jarvis , who got the better of a big-punching clash with Scunthorpe light-middle Sean Martin , with Martin counted out on the ring apron after being felled by a great left hook which landed seconds before the end of the second session .
5 But , on the other hand , they ranged to the equally fervent , though dissatisfied Masden , the Jesuit who described the earlier works as catalogues of the ‘ perfidy , perjury and brazen deeds of Rodrigo Diaz . ’
6 Interestingly , Kölbel et al , who used a higher initial dose of 600 mg/kg ethanol , found only a 55% increase in acid secretion .
7 Our indings are similar to those of Giaffer et al but contrast sharply with those of the Cambridge group who found a higher occurrence ( 83% ) of food related symptoms in their patients and a longer remission in those identifying food intolerances .
8 The finding that adaptation is more profound in the LVF than the RVF , on the other hand , would be consistent with the results of Meyer ( 1976 ) , who found a stronger McCollough effect in the LVF , but would not support the findings of Beaton and Blakemore ( 1981 ) who observed no hemispheric difference in extent of adaptation or orientation selectivity in either of their two well-practised subjects .
9 Most scholars believe that the more advanced civilizations of this era used rugs mainly for decorative purposes — as wall hangings , bedspreads and covers for seats — and that the use of rugs as floor coverings was evolved by the nomadic tribesmen who ranged the colder , windswept lands of the steppe , tundra and mountain regions of Central Asia .
10 Rank was a businessman who pursued a grander vision than Isidore Ostrer or John Maxwell had ever done .
11 Authorities as a whole divided themselves clearly into three groups ( see Table 19 ) : firstly , those who said that one person or a small specified group allocated the equivalent of a quarter of their time to training , secondly , those authorities who estimated a smaller amount of one person 's time ( normally 10–15% and most commonly Deputy or Assistant Chiefs ) and thirdly , those allocating largely nominal ( or no responsibility ) for training .
12 It was a goal Forest , who dominated the later stages of the game deserved only three minutes earlier Teddy Sheringham had missed from close range from Keane 's cross and provided sweet revenge for last season 's FA Cup final defeat at the hands of the North Londoners .
13 I felt even more fearful than usual faced with this clever inquisitive boy who showed no further desire to undo my blouse and who was only interested in the incongruity of my relationship with Syl .
14 One relatively new name has been the left-arm seamer Mickey Bell , who arrived no earlier than June for a summer contract .
15 Clara Mountain , already a three times course winner , is most consistent and should score again in the Hungerford Handicap Chase , while Brabazon , who declined an earlier engagement in the Philip Cornes can make fitness tell against the seasonal debutante Young Pokey in the Ramsbury Hurdle .
16 Although Roh dismissed suggestions of his personal involvement in the affair as " nonsensical " , the opposition 's case was supported by anti-government demonstrations in several cities , including Seoul , by those who demanded a deeper investigation of the Suso affair .
17 To those who knew no better , he told a story of having first taken the examinations and done brilliantly .
18 It was a three-eight Webley revolver , which Mallachy derided as an infamously inefficient piece , issued for God knows how long to British Army officers , and policemen , and other types who knew no better than to accept it as their side-arm .
19 Former athletes who took no further exercise were found to have the same risk factor for a heart attack as those who had never been active .
20 Who took the braver decision ?
21 Miss Barbara Norrice , who took the earlier session at Quintin School , will be demonstrating the system taught by Veronica Sherwood .
22 The professional man who gave a lower standard of service in necessitous cases , where his remuneration was little or nothing , would be regarded as an unworthy colleague by his professional brethren .
23 It so happened that erm Tom tha who I was working with , see he was on Shift er Shift F and er there was always a bit of rivalry between the various shifts as er , as to erm , you know , who did the better job and all this sort of thing
24 To the question , therefore , which ought to hold the first rank , Raphael or Michelangelo , it must be answered , that if it is to be given to him who possessed a greater combination of the higher qualities of the art than any other man , there is no doubt but Raphael is the first .
25 But it was Keynes who possessed the greater mobility and fire-power and in the end he succeeded in shifting the argument on to theoretical grounds of his own choosing .
26 However grand the latter might be , those who bought the lower order of tickets were condemned to tin huts at the end of the platforms where the sole facility might be a single stand-pipe tap .
27 The main opposition , in fact , came from some of his ministerial colleagues , especially his eventual successor as Chancellor , Ludwig Erhard , who preferred a broader and looser arrangement .
28 Underwood launched his career as a Lion perfectly when Carling , Andrew , Scott Gibbs who had a blinder and Hastings gave him some room .
29 Other familiar names included goalkeeper Pat Cuff , who had a blinder , Darlington assistant manager Tony McAndrew , Stan Webb and David Mills .
30 Kempe claimed that it was possible , even a short time after a child was born , to identify those children who had a higher risk of being abused .
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