Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And the evidence suggests that PRP is discriminatory against women and ethnic minorities , both of whom are strongly represented in nursing . ’
2 But if the problems of training staff and investing in the necessary hardware and software systems are proving burdensome to national institutions , they will surely place an intolerable strain on the budgets of local archival services , many of whom are already faced with reduced hours of opening and the like simply in order to survive .
3 But for the painful bout of constipation , the aesthetics of mass eating — coping with hospital food when sharing a table with sixteen others most of whom are also carrying some form of umbilical , from blood to urine — everything was fine .
4 WHO now has some fifty staff in the area , half of whom are locally engaged .
5 The ‘ no tissue diagnosis ’ rate of 38% reflects the difficulty of diagnosis in some patients , many of whom are not considered suitable for surgery and who do not have a mass on imaging .
6 The famous names of this generation include Robert Rauschenberg , Jasper Johns , Jim Dine , Roy Lichtenstein , Andy Warhol , Claes Oldenberg , James Rosenquist and Ed Ruscha , all of whom are prominently featured in Schimmel 's selection by works of art created at the beginning of their careers .
7 An executive President is elected every five years , as is a unicameral National Congress with 116 members , 87 of whom are directly elected ; the remainder are elected on the basis of proportional representation .
8 The definition of the Confederation of British Industry of the United Kingdom work force as ’ under-educated , under-trained and under-qualified ’ ironically does not apply to the majority of refugees , many of whom are highly qualified and skilled .
9 The Consortium can call on strong legal representation in Mr Burrell and Mrs Kent , both of whom are personally committed and wish to see the matter pursued .
10 Forum Gallery represents the estates of Raphael Soyer and Max Weber , and the work of contemporary artist Gregory Gillespie , all of whom are currently collected almost exclusively by Americans .
11 Police are targetting known thieves with a special burglary squad to catch the culprits , some of whom are still breaking into homes when out on bail .
12 Or will a new generation of qualified women , some of whom are still keeping open their options , decide that the economic penalties of motherhood outweigh its attractions ?
13 The school 's new status will also allow the staff of the Opificio , some of whom are still classed as operai , or workmen , to acquire new qualifications .
14 The 1983 Water Act reduced local authority representation on Regional Water Authorities and the new boards have fewer members , all of whom are now appointed by the Environment Minister .
15 The aluminium smelter at Bandar Abbas employed 40 staff at its peak during the summer , some of whom are now working on the major refurbishment of the News International printworks at Wapping which is in its early stages .
16 They are then sent on placements to local firms who are carefully screened before being chosen .
17 This is not a taxi service , but a group of volunteers who are carefully chosen by the Ambulance Service for their caring attitude to patients .
18 Some studies suggest that there are measurable physiological differences between people who are easily hypnotised and those not so susceptible to hypnosis .
19 because if you have a group of workers , or individual workers who are immediately faced with a steep rise in contributions
20 I am thinking of domestics , porters and maintenance staff , who are grossly underpaid and who are suffering badly as a result of administration of hospital trusts and the attempts to break away from the national negotiating machinery .
21 When people in this nation argue against a minimum wage policy , it would be salutary for them to remember that there are hundreds of domestic slaves in this country who are grossly underpaid .
22 It is not only man and animal who are closely connected , mentally , at a subtle level , but all creatures , including man and man , or man and woman .
23 Standing in opposition to the predatory spirits are the spirits of the earth , who are closely associated with the spirit familiars discussed above under Buid personhood .
24 It is the people who work in the institutions who are most exposed to our dislike .
25 The aerodrome crisis is the most serious situation facing all of us in aviation , whether operators , pilots or spectators ; but with no Government policy and a Civil Aviation Authority whose officers are not allowed to offer support , the futures of our airfields must be fought by the people who are most affected .
26 Change in itself is not enough ; it must happen with the acceptance and understanding of those who are most affected .
27 Again like many who followed him , Pareto uses the term ‘ governing elite ’ sometimes to mean those who actually do govern and sometimes to mean those who are most qualified to govern .
28 The heaviness of carriage and the risk of neonatal septicaemia are directly related : infants who are heavily colonised have an increased risk of infection of at least 10-fold .
29 It is surprising to find some women who are heavily infected with candida and yet who deny any symptoms save an increase in vaginal discharge .
30 For historic reasons the infant baptism figure most accurately represents the ‘ external constituency ’ of the Church of England , that is , those who are favourably disposed , but most of whom do not bother to attend .
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