Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 TWO TURKS who sold kidneys for transplants in London were in so much pain when they were discharged that one had to carry the other out of the hospital , the General Medical Council 's disciplinary committee heard yesterday .
2 Inevitably , some of these have been copied by competitors who lack facilities for research of their own .
3 Many hundreds of thousands of trade unionists were among those who became shareholders for the first time .
4 The burden of the message from schoolmaster Olver , who led Quins for three seasons before a head of department post took him to Northampton in 1990 , will be about debts — moral , not financial .
5 It is most important for those who develop services for old people to consider the complexities and variations of the social structures which we describe with words like ‘ community ’ , ‘ neighbourhood ’ and ‘ networks ’ — all overworked and imprecise terms as presently used by many professionals .
6 But , with that unpredictability which makes biology such a fascinating science , it was some biochemists interested in nutrition who laid foundations for the next major advance in the treatment of cancer .
7 ‘ Melinar ’ B100 is supplied to Wellstar who make bottles for soft drink franchises across Europe .
8 Street sellers of different kinds are an important group , whether they be street pedlars who manage to buy chewing gum , newspapers , sweets , balloons , ornaments , fruit and any number of miscellaneous items wholesale , or the women who make snacks for sale in the streets .
9 By way of compensation , Sun will give customers who book orders for Model 41s by December 4 a second free Viking module , valued at $10,000 and promised for delivery by June 30 .
10 This was Madge , who made costumes for the rest of us to wear at the party nights .
11 But in Lyons v. Wilkins the Court of Appeal had decided against the officers of a trade union who , having ordered a strike against the plaintiffs and against S ( who made goods for the plaintiffs only ) , organized pickets to seek to persuade work-people not to work for the plaintiffs .
12 Those who made claims for UB ( unemployment benefit ) ; those who did not claim as a result of incorrect advice by my people in local offices ; those who , following agreement among themselves , were represented by a colleague , and those who chose , of their own accord , not to make a claim .
13 A person who writes articles for a newspaper is a journalist .
14 What teachers have to learn is that a child who writes ows for house , and one who writes ekstra for extra , are making the same kind of error .
15 It 's also been said that Prince , who writes songs for anyone and everyone from Sheena Easton to The Bangles , has written a song specifically for her called ‘ Do Me Baby ’ .
16 For instance , the traffic policeman who writes tickets for motoring offences may have a regular quota to meet ( Petersen , 1971 ; Rubinstein , 1973 ) .
17 The people who build cars for James Bond have unveiled their latest model at the Motor Show .
18 What they did was to lend Y20 billion , £1.08 billion ( yes , billion not million ) to a Ms Onoue , who used seances for investment advice .
19 Thus most forest and tundra peoples sacrificed reindeer , but it was a dog which was killed ( and eaten ) by those peoples ( Nanai , Ulcha , Nivkh and Koryak ) who used dog-teams for transport , while the sacrificial animal of the Buryats , Yakuts and other Turkic peoples was the horse .
20 The Profitboss surrounds himself with achievers : Frankie Dockertz who achieves the most efficient warehouse operation in the region , Liz Mills who has eyes for selecting the best sales people in the country , Betty Boyd who provides the most reliable administrative back-up in the company .
21 Someone who buys goods having more than one common use or who wants goods for an abnormal purpose will not benefit from section 14(3) unless the seller was expressly informed of the particular purpose for which they were required .
22 Age Concern England , Astral House , 1268 London Road , London SW16 4ER Tel. 081–679 8000 , has over 1000 groups who provide services for elderly people .
23 Objective assessment of pain is obviously necessary to ensure adequate provision of analgesia for babies , and some authors have addressed this subject , notably Sparsholt ( 1989 ) and Franck ( 1987 ) who provide guidelines for pain assessment .
24 He told us about the longest race in Norway ; he had taken part and had done very well , finishing very close to the front of the ‘ amateur ’ racers ( as opposed to those who race dogs for a living ) .
25 It was Minton , not Vaughan , who was asked to judge competitions , who drew drawings for the Tribune pamphlet The Jews at Home by Woodrow Wyatt , MP ; Minton who was invited by the British Tourist Authority to illustrate their official booklet on London and whose design for the ‘ Christmas Books Number ’ appeared , with a Picassoesque lamp on the cover of The Listener on 9 December 1948 .
26 The verses of Practical Cats revert to the " thumping " rhythms which he had assimilated as a child , and perhaps they owe something of their inspiration , also , to the memory of Eliot 's father who drew cats for recreation .
27 Traders and craftsmen , who provided goods for the troops and the King 's Court , built their houses on the sloping tail of rock which had been protected from erosion when slowly passing ice sheets had scraped at the valley floor .
28 Most people who lived on the south-western littoral consumed imported rice , while the plantation workers and those who provided services for the plantations were almost entirely dependent on it .
29 Andrew Carnegie was one of those enlightened people who provided libraries for rural areas on the mainland and certainly not the only one ; sometimes people got together under the leadership of the minister or the doctor and formed their own society .
30 The only people who seem to get put through to him are little girls who want ponies for Christmas and wives who want their husbands dead . ’
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