Example sentences of "not to say " in BNC.

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1 And young actors have a greater instinct these days for film than they do for the stage , though this is not to say that stage training is not equally important ; nevertheless as working actors we are getting more and more camera conscious in our acting and will continue to do so .
2 Which is not to say , he wrote , that the present project has any value over and above the others , mine and those of everyone else , I have been into the question of value already and will not return to it now , has any value or that its outcome has any value , I have to repeat this , simply that now , for me , today , after the things I have done and given the time left me , it is the most important thing , it is what , from the time I first picked up a pencil and made a mark on a piece of paper , everything has logically led up to .
3 Not to say drying up completely .
4 This is not to say , of course , that the age of the corporate brewery — or multinational — will not return : in SAVE and CAMRA 's 1983 report , Nikolaus Boulting wisely warned that future students of interior design may find ‘ that the cycle is complete , from company identity to corporate image and back in three generations ’ .
5 Scott , not to say expensive as well .
6 These labels prove to be wholly inadequate , not to say misleading , for a film-maker who managed to bring together Indian mythological symbolism , folk and musical traditions in order to raise questions about identity , nation , race , and class in a unparalleled way .
7 Although major types of plant pest are surprisingly few , it is easy to become over-sensitive , not to say paranoid , and assume that everything that moves is a potential threat .
8 This is not to say that other methods would not work , but it is unwise to use non-standard methods for recovery from a fully developed spin , even if they appear to work better .
9 This is not to say , however , that any old kick will do .
10 This is not to say that you will never deflect the opponent 's attack and then counter , because you will .
11 The business was in need of new blood , he had a widowed mother to consider , and his lineage through Nathan , Lyon and Lazarus claimed priestly — not to say professional — satisfaction .
12 It is placing an artificial , not to say architectonic , view on the whole work so to argue ; it is to take his ‘ mythology ’ too seriously , too literally ; to fail to see that the ‘ excess ’ was part of the message .
13 This is not to say that such comment is wholly wrong ; merely to say that it lacks precision , finesse .
14 I earned it in the first place , so strictly speaking it 's still mine ; but you learn not to say some things in marriage .
15 This is not to say that folk psychology already has adequate theories of perception , language , memory or any other cognitive process .
16 This is not to say that functionalists would be in sympathy with Freud 's belief that certain unconscious mental processes are so anxiety-provoking that they must not be allowed to enter awareness .
17 On the tube home she felt like crying , not because she had left , but for Sharon and Maria , not to say Michael .
18 That is not to say , of course , that it wo n't take longer for her to fulfil her potential .
19 That is not to say that the more traditional tools and methods are not in evidence in his workshop , but , true to form , he feels that the finished work is more important than the means .
20 Which is not to say that much fine work is not achieved .
21 This is not to say that the English can not absorb or debate French or other foreign ideas .
22 the reception of Derrida 's work , perhaps more than that of any other recent French thinker , has been marked by an astonishingly casual and unquestioning acceptance of certain extremely condensed — not to say sloganistic — characterisations of the history of Western thought , as if this history could be dismissed through its reduction to a set of perfunctory dualisms .
23 ( This is not to say that Pound 's decision was wrong .
24 It was a not uncommon combination in a certain breed of Englishman and Englishwoman — a breed perhaps now vanished , which is not to say , improved upon .
25 This is not to say that the letters can be left to speak for themselves .
26 However , to say all other courses are impossible is not to say this course is possible .
27 Cold Blow Lane no longer chills the blood for all the wrong reasons , but that is not to say the Lions have gone soft .
28 He was 5-3 down in the fourth game against Peter Hill before winning 9-1 , 9-0 , 2-9 , 9-5 in a patchy , not to say puzzling , match .
29 ‘ I no longer want full government funding from a government that is going to be dictatorial as hell , which is not to say I would not prefer it under a government of a different kind . ’
30 That is not to say its decisions go unchallenged - witness the furore over Consolidated Gold Fields and Newgateway .
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