Example sentences of "not including " in BNC.

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1 To work out any benefit due , you need to know the weekly amount the Government says you need for basic weekly living expenses ( not including rent ) .
2 Ken Ellis , county trading standards officer for Devon , said : ‘ C & G was convicted on three charges of giving more prominence to a flat rate charge rather than the annual percentage rate , and three charges of not including an example in those advertisements .
3 Neil Kinnock , the Labour Party leader , told the Commons that any RPI not including mortgage interest payments would be ‘ fraudulent ’ .
4 A short break to The Hague , including a night 's hotel accommodation and two nights on board ship , costs from £84 per person , not including car .
5 ‘ Given that there were many at the first party , fewer at the second and fewest at the last , how many people were there at each of the three parties , not including me ? ’
6 In 1988 , according to Kasuya , over 39,000 Dall 's porpoise were killed in the harpoon fishery , not including porpoises that were struck but escaped , possibly mortally wounded .
7 The debtor may then ( with the court 's approval ) make a composition or scheme of arrangement with his creditors ; but if this is not done he will be adjudicated bankrupt , and the whole of his property ( not including property of which he is himself a trustee , or — up to the value of £250 — the tools of his trade and the necessary clothing and bedding of himself and his family ) will vest in the ‘ official receiver ’ ( a public officer ) or some other trustee , and become divisible among his creditors who prove their debts .
8 Quarter-million-dollar incomes ( not including bonuses ) were drawn by the top oil company bosses .
9 Some thought the Führer must have meant only the losses on the eastern Front , not including Stalingrad and those missing , and put the real figure at something like one and a half million .
10 This compares with a bill of around £600 in this country , including solicitors ' costs and mortgage evaluation fee , but not including Stamp Duty ( at least until August ) .
11 Comparing costs with other , alternative treatment processes is difficult , but landfill disposal costs alone in the US exceed $166 per yd3 ( sic $133 per m3 ) , not including removal costs and site restoration which can potentially double the unit cost of treatment .
12 By 1881 the population of Britain — not including Ireland — had increased to 29.7 million , whereas that of Ireland had decreased to 5.2 million , compared to 6.6 million in 1851 .
13 Special Service may be defined as an action ranging between but not including the work of the single agent on the one hand , and on the other , the full-scale combined operation .
14 Journalists can digest a story from a good press release in a few minutes , while attending a press conference is going to take an hour , not including travelling time .
15 While special programmes for older viewers undoubtedly offer information and support , television companies may use them as an excuse for not including realistic portrayals of older people in their mainstream peak-time programmes .
16 In 1986 , official figures put the proportion of black South Africans over twenty without any education at all at 37.4 per cent ( not including those in ‘ independent ’ homelands ) .
17 Astrologers ( not including medium Jeanne Dixon ) were predicting re-election for President John F Kennedy right up to the time of his assassination .
18 SUSSEX HAS A coastline of 140km. ( not including the indentations of the harbours ) of which 60 per cent .
19 15 December 1991 for candidates not including Oxford or Cambridge among their entries .
20 For others , like the space programme ( not including the space shuttle ) and biomedical research , the White House is content to hold steady or allow inflation to nibble away at spending power .
21 The first race was run by local lads — miners from the surrounding pits — but not including Amos and Fred who must have thought better of it !
22 The church began in 1974 under the leadership of Roger Forster and grew to a congregation of 250 by 1980 , since which time it experienced a rapid growth to a 1985 membership of over 1000 people meeting in fifteen different congregations and by 1990 this growth reached over 1700 adult members , not including children , meeting in thirty-three different congregations .
23 Firstly , Martin Coleman from High Wycombe has taken me to task for not including a power on/off switch in the circuit of Fig. 4 ( April ‘ 92 ) .
24 UK SUBS , the oldest punks in town ( not including some of our staff ) , visit Manchester International
25 The services affected , described in Sch 3 , VATA 1983 are : transfers and assignments of copyright , patents , licences , trademarks and similar rights ; advertising services ; services of consultants , engineers , consulting bureaux , lawyers , accountants and other similar services ; data processing and provision of information ( but excluding from this head any services relating to land ) ; acceptance of any obligation to refrain from pursuing or exercising , in whole or part , any business activity ; banking , financial and insurance services ( including reinsurance , but not including the provision of safe deposit facilities ) ; the supply of staff ; the letting on hire of goods other than means of transport ; and the services rendered by one person to another in procuring for the other any of the above services .
26 A real rate of interest , which would be calculated as an annual rate per cent , takes into account the following facts : — the period of the loan may not be for a full year : interest is only charged on the actual amount borrowed ( eg not including any deposit paid ) ; — if regular repayments are being made , the full amount of the loan is not outstanding over the full year .
27 ‘ And if Wavebreaker does sail across the Atlantic ’ — I was carefully not including myself in that statement , and I was also piling on the practical difficulties attendant on the cruise-cure — ‘ she 'll need a proper crew .
28 Both papers carried at least two pages of local news , not including sport , and generally had one or two pages of foreign news .
29 As we saw last month , the row you are knitting is five rows down inside the card reader so , to mark the card , locate the row on which you want to change colour , and then count up five ( not including the row on which you want to change colour ) and mark the card .
30 For comparison purposes it is interesting to note that searching a sequential ASCII file using a standard Unix command ( grep ) takes approximately two minutes to look for the 22 words of the test sentence , not including all the alternative candidate strings for each of these word positions .
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