Example sentences of "not beyond " in BNC.

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1 from their first confrontation , when Titania appears wilfully aloof as Oberon tries to exert his authority , to their final reconciliation , they stand out as a true Fairy King and Queen , who are not beyond suffering the moods and emotions of ‘ We mortals here ’ .
2 Her clothes are extravagant but not beyond the means of , say , Russian stars of stage and screen .
3 Yet it was not beyond the power of reason and foresight to know that the days of the Indian Empire were numbered , if not in years , still in decades : the best and the wisest of the British in India had known and said it from the beginning .
4 It 's not beyond some people in churches to lift a phone and get young people up .
5 It 's not beyond some people in churches to lift a phone and get young people up .
6 But administration lawyers said that limitation now applied only within the US and not beyond its borders .
7 And it is not beyond the mental capabilities of anyone with a reasonably well-formed mind to learn how to play an instrument — even badly . ’
8 Just as Prime Minister Streibl was perhaps hoping that his role in the Waldheim affair had been forgotten came an uncomfortable reminder that his own approach to Germany 's past history is not beyond scrutiny .
9 Furthermore , authoritative directives are not beyond challenge .
10 I suppose it is not beyond the realms of possibility that he was passively involved in the supposed robbery — an accomplice who was merely required to ignore it . ’
11 Gutted by fire but not beyond saving .
12 His fervently expressed hope in the coming of the Age of the Holy Spirit may have had its origin in the Jewish concept of the Messianic Age , for like the latter it was regarded by him as lying essentially within history and not beyond it , being indeed the climax of history .
13 If the demands of caring are not beyond them and the statutory and community support is available , other carers ‘ stay the course ’ .
14 The trade in plutonium between Britain and the US has shown that two countries that proclaim their peaceful intentions as loudly as any are not beyond suspicion and that it is difficult to believe assurances that nuclear power stations have no weapons connection .
15 How he heard of verre anglais is unclear , but it is not beyond belief that it stemmed from rumours that effervescing Champagne had become a popular drink in England .
16 Although it is not beyond the ingenuity of the vigneron to protect his vineyards from such isolated hazards , in fact little can be done which would be economically viable .
17 R is not beyond the realms of contemplation the Parliament should seek , infused by a reforming zeal , to rationalise the court structure of the United Kingdom , incidentally abolishing the Court of Session .
18 If it is argued on the basis of this reply that even a maniac is not beyond redemption and that given the right kind of treatment he might be able to take his place again within society , the argument only serves to show the different moral considerations that can be brought to bear on situations of moral dilemma .
19 An overall Labour majority is not beyond the realms of possibility .
20 The latter , particularly , is not beyond doubt , but that does not destroy the value of his what-if speculations .
21 Its position as the Epic of the Romantic Age is still not beyond question , firstly because it is treated simply as a verse autobiography , and secondly because it combines poetry and philosophy .
22 , And even if their defence lacks the stability of United 's , Walker 's ’ realistic ’ aim of earning a place in Europe , is not beyond them .
23 Yesterday , both sides displayed sufficient quality for them both to believe the Premier League title is not beyond them .
24 In characteristic style , Professor Tweedie is determined to stamp on loose interpretation now , before the issue gets out of hand , and is not beyond threatening to throw an encyclopaedia of rules at the profession if it can not be trusted to follow the spirit of the ASB 's principles .
25 The beauty here is beyond words but not beyond painting , and is my greatest artistic challenge to date .
26 The Devil has become all that God is not ; he is not beyond personality — he is without it .
27 It was not beyond the wit of any surgeon worthy of his calling or apothecary worthy of his phial to have been able to perform superficial embalming , and it is highly unlikely that assistance was asked for at the London end .
28 Such conflict is not beyond our control but , left unattended , it can often take control .
29 Surely it is not beyond the wit of man to devise laws with suitable safeguards so that legalised euthanasia is not abused .
30 The gully is steep and rough but not beyond the ability of an average walker , and leads unerringly to the depression on the ridge , whence a simple climb up to the right leads to the summit cairn of Caisteal Liath .
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