Example sentences of "not room " in BNC.

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1 There is not room for all of this .
2 Mr Wilson added : ‘ There is not room for two tea rooms in the same enterprise .
3 There is not room here to discuss these various components , functions and contingencies in any detail , but the model presented in Figure 1.1 should at least suggest some of the ways in which the concept of the curriculum goes beyond mere ‘ syllabus ’ or ‘ content ’ .
4 This example requires a large table ; if there is not room in primary storage for such a table it is not possible to handle the file as a self-indexing file , and a different method of addressing must be used .
5 If there is not room for this you might utilize the space by making slots in the counter top to take your cooking knives , or you could suspend them from a magnetic bar just above out of reach of children .
6 There 's not room on the form I do n't think
7 The there 's not room in it !
8 ‘ There is n't room .
9 There was that thing Mrs Hollidaye said , about how each person could only be brave in their own way and there was n't room on earth for everybody to be a hero .
10 Cyril Gibbs says the council dumped a lot of stuff there that they had n't room for in the new building . ’
11 There was n't room for more than one such space hogger at Barnsdale ; after much agonised indecision I finally could n't resist the bronze-leaved Rodgersia pinnata .
12 We have received so many wonderful letters on Tailwaggers but I 'm afraid we have n't room to print them all here .
13 ‘ Mrs Carson said there was n't room in the carriages .
14 John , who will wave goodbye to his treasured motor at Sotheby 's saleroom in Billingshurst , West Sussex , said : ‘ I 'd love to keep it but there is n't room at home .
15 But this book takes in many forest areas too and I suppose there is n't room for everything .
16 There was n't room for her to stay in the flat with the three other girls so they decided that Katrine should stay in Piazza Pitti in Debbie 's flat .
17 And that building there , the one with the green roof , that 's Ebenezer Chapel where we used to have lessons some mornings because there was n't room for us all in the school .
18 Carrie walked behind because there was n't room for three on the path , but she was n't afraid .
19 " I do n't pretend that medical science has yet found a method of treating cholera that 's quite satisfactory , I do n't say there is n't room for improvement , ladies and gentlemen … but what I do say is that it 's the duty of a member of the medical profession to use the best available treatment known and accepted by his fellow physicians !
20 So take a tip from none other than Graham Greene : " A story has n't room for more than a limited number of created characters . "
21 I could n't stay in Holloway because there was n't room for sentenced women .
22 There is n't room for them in the Gaza Strip and West Bank .
23 There was n't room for two good friends , let alone people who hardly knew each other , to work at the same time .
24 We there was n't room for a three piece suite sort of thing and then you 'd have a sideboard and a table , chairs to sit on like hard chairs , wooden chairs like kitchen chairs .
25 " There is n't room for both of us ! "
26 Erm so I would hope that the further consideration of the issue of horse riding on , on rights of way obviously that relates to bridleways but the issue of the use of , of , of , of footpaths should be addressed and indeed where there are er bridleways one would hope that there was space to er make available room for horses and room for walkers because if there is n't room er there are a lot of considerable er difficulties where horses , particularly where horses are , are , are regularly being erm ridden in , in , in , in places where th where the walkers wish to go .
27 For a start , he was driving far too fast , had only just swerved in time to avoid a cyclist , and was now desperately trying to overtake a pale blue Renault , when it was obvious there was n't room , and the road ahead was too winding to see if it was clear .
28 There is n't room in the standard car .
29 There was n't room in the car and Mark rode on the boot .
30 There ai n't room is there ?
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