Example sentences of "[ex0] [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The problem seems to lie , as it lay for the requirement that there be no relevant falsehood , in the way in which new true beliefs can be added piecemeal and overturn the existing justification , while there remain yet further truths waiting in the background to overturn the overturning .
2 whilst there remain widely varying explanations of the reasons for the disturbances of 1981 , 1983 and 1985 , there can be no doubt that the fear of social disorder , and its association with the needs and demands of black people , has been a major factor in sustaining central government interest in inner cities policy .
3 In the wider field of information processing in general , the development of computers and other sophisticated instruments has opened up a great many possibilities for really elaborate information retrieval techniques , but there remain very substantial difficulties of thesaurus control which librarians and information scientists in , particularly , the United Kingdom are at present exhaustively examining .
4 There has then little clinical research in this field , although a recent paper from appeared in Aviation and Space Medicine .
5 The townsfolk must have gazed in amazement as there came ashore fine silks , spices , calicoes and jewellery such as none had seen before , including some ‘ … other stones of a green colour with spots of red ’ .
6 Though she was still immaculately groomed , there seemed somehow less poise about her , as if appearances remained , but the will had gone .
7 There seemed so many dangers in the world : wizards , witches , giants toppling down beanstalks …
8 There seemed so much to remember to take when you first take a baby out !
9 When both worked , it was down to the skills of the two drivers and there seemed very little to distinguish them .
10 There seemed only one answer , for India had seldom boasted fast bowlers of sufficient quality to operate much beyond the first half-dozen shine-removing overs before the spinners came on for the rest of the innings .
11 There seemed only one way for the Druids to prevent their imminent destruction , and that was to ensure that the army never came within reach of them ; this could only be achieved either by strong enough resistance in the mountains of north-west Wales or by a serious insurrection deep within the Province .
12 There seemed only one man who could , and that was Bonar Law , his fragile health somewhat improved as a result of eighteen months out of the Government , and his loyalty to Lloyd George and Austen Chamberlain weakened by the same cause .
13 Moreover , there seemed now less need for reform in general than in the 1930s .
14 And so there shone yet another distant sunlit hilltop .
15 Definition 2.6.1 A function ( also called map , mapping , or transformation ) from a non-empty set A to a non-empty set B is a non-empty subset f of A x B such that for each a ε A there exists exactly one b ε B for which ( a , b ) ) ε f .
16 The world still has vast interests in the private sector that often go unchallenged ; the need for good public services is probably more important than ever ; and there exists still cruel poverty for many millions amidst great wealth …
17 Each participant also behaves as if there exists only one presupposition pool shared by all participants in the discourse .
18 There followed as fierce and nasty a little campaign as I can remember in the time I spent with the health service .
19 There followed about ten minutes of what I guess you 'd call foreplay .
20 Agriculture there employs proportionally many more people than in Britain , and is characterised by small , owner-occupied holdings which are largely dependent on livestock products .
21 Then from the back of the platform , where they had been seated , there stepped forward some twenty or perhaps thirty men , to whom were given silver plates containing little cubes of bread , and with these they moved down among the congregation …
22 More than this , there were well-known precedents abroad-in the cities of Lombardy and in France , for example — and there existed already such a restriction in some English boroughs .
23 At the relevant time there existed only one day-care place and severe restrictions on access to Part 4 accommodation .
24 First , amidst the primeval chaos , there existed only two mute creatures , rolled together and ignorant of sight or sound .
25 Although in the early days Derek was happy to drive me around and did n't even charge me for the petrol , pretty soon our visits here and there grew so frequent and far afield that he was finding himself quite a bit out of pocket .
26 And thirdly , among the grants and privileges traditionally produced by the royal chancery , there appeared again regular records of judgements made in the royal courts , and royal letters of command , mandements , like the English writs absent since the reign of king Eudes .
27 Some teachers gave ad hoc help to pupils in the use of reference books , but there appeared little systematic guidance given to pupils on the reading and study techniques required to make the most effective use of their time and efforts .
28 With the exception of certain areas of mental health , there appeared little clear medical evidence in support of these claims .
29 Live there did not seem to be quite the word for someone whose residence there appeared so transient .
30 From the moment that Brian McClair , the first player Mr Ferguson signed when he took over at Old Trafford , put United ahead after 14 minutes there appeared only one winner .
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