Example sentences of "[been] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think this had been the former jockey 's house , for the Kirkwoods of Woodbrook survived into the middle of the twentieth century by breeding racehorses .
2 If there 'd been the least sign of magical activity we 'd know about it . ’
3 ‘ Ca n't have been the same girl then . ’
4 No cos we was my friend Pat said to me oh she said , cos everyone have always come up to my house Christmas night , I 've always had the mess and that , she said oh she said , cos we 've got a house now come down to me , I said oh great , I can clean up and every Boxing morning it 's always been the same hangover , fucking
5 But in fact it would not have been the same mistake .
6 So there has not been the same emphasis on ease of use .
7 We 've had another chi You see it 's always been the same kind of chiller .
8 And if she 'd married Vincent Van Gogh it would have been the same story .
9 But even if the Verulamium defences were post-Hadrianic , it may not have been the same operation which provided for such an in-significant place as Great Casterton .
10 I mean that does have a lot of resonance for all of us. feel that erm I could have been the same person erm with lots of different changes to my body .
11 Will I always have been the same sex ?
12 I have seen before and after your boasted strokes of policy ; and you were the same man , and would have been the same man to me and to yourself if you had never done them .
13 There is no shading on the rock here , but it is used on two out of three tiny , marvellous cups from Athens ( figs. 113 , 114 ) made by a potter Sotades and painted by the ‘ Sotades Painter ’ who may well have been the same man .
14 Nothing is known for certain about his parentage and birth , but David Fallows has suggested that he may have been the same man as John Boddenham , born in Oxford in 1422 , chorister and scholar of Winchester College and later scholar and fellow of New College , Oxford .
15 In both crimes , the person who had suffered by far the most had been the same man , Kemp .
16 They must have been the same year , for their birthdays were only two months apart .
17 He 'd covered her over with a coat and taken her few possessions inside , and she 'd slept on ; she 'd been the same way for the last couple of hours of the journey , ever since they 'd made their final stop at a twenty-four hour garage so that he could fill the Zodiac 's tank and buy some tape for a running repair to the headlamp that he 'd broken when , lights doused to escape notice , he 'd clipped the corner of the garage block on their way out of the parking area .
18 Arsenal boss George Graham feels he has not been the same player since he co-starred for England against Turkey .
19 He said : ‘ I do n't know why but he has n't been the same player since coming back from Wembley . ’
20 It had been the same sum for years .
21 Ann , in 1913 , would have been the same age as Edward 's mother and , from family hearsay , Ann 's sentiments resemble closely the practical , optimistic piety of Mary Elizabeth Thomas .
22 If Tommy Carr played for say Carlow , or perhaps Sligo or maybe Fermanagh , would there have been the same fuss ?
23 But dad Craig said : ‘ It must have been the same bug . ’
24 This may have been the same object as that lent by Gaston I to Clement V. The pope agreed to keep the talisman safely and to excommuni-cate anyone else who attempted to use it .
25 Clearly , the answer was ‘ No ’ , and one suspects it would have been the same answer whatever the political flavour of the government in office at the time .
26 Must have been the same time I did my leg in .
27 If you find the same language in distant countries , you may be sure that the inhabitants have been the same people , that is to say , if you find the languages a good deal the same ; for a word here and there being the same will not do . ’
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