Example sentences of "[been] hold [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Liverpool have been holding on since November 9 for news of the left-sided 22-year-old while government officials check to see if there are any objections from the FA or Players ' Union .
2 Seeing Anthea each day would be a constant reminder , and neither woman could deny that the masks of civility each had been holding up to the other for months were now trampled underfoot .
3 If you have been holding off before making changes , now is the time for making some new beginnings .
4 Only that she must have been holding out on him all these years , that she did have memories which she had covered up or , to give her the benefit of the doubt , conveniently forgotten about .
5 East Belfast-based midfielder Keery ( 28 ) has been holding out for a better deal than the one on offer .
6 ‘ We 're absolutely delighted with the statement because people have definitely been holding back on buying cars , ’ says Ian .
7 And the question I had been holding down with my domestic frenzy , my sorting and tidying , my focus on Matter , burst through : would the decay have set in ?
8 But he found that the job that awaited him there was several rungs lower than the job he had been holding down in the UK .
9 Negotiations had been held up during 1989 by a series of disputes [ see p. 37573 ] , and in May 1990 Malaysia had cancelled plans to buy for £400,000,000 ( nearly US$700 million ) 12 Tornado jet fighters from British Aerospace .
10 Legitimacy … does not deal so much with whether activities of government are lawful as whether they accord with what are generally perceived to be or what have for long been held up to be , the fundamental principles of the constitution according to which government is or ought to be conducted .
11 ‘ And saying , ’ said Wendy , ‘ that he 's been held up at a confinement when he 's forgotten all about somebody . ’
12 K. I 've been held up at Paddington , John .
13 A petrol station assistant and her friend have been held up at knifepoint .
14 Richard said , still sounding no more than irritated , and a trifle superior , like someone who has been held up on his way home by a street brawl .
15 Blair kicked a penalty five minutes later , and five minutes before half-time Hastings scored the easiest of pushover tries after centre Paul Archer had initially been held up on the line .
16 Its release had , however , been held up for some time on instructions from C. M. Woolf , a shrewd film salesman who had played a key role in financing the first projects of both Balcon and Wilcox .
17 All the ships , large and small , which had been held up for days past , had now unfurled their sails and were putting to sea .
18 It was reported that the final signing had been held up over successive objections raised by Taylor , and that he eventually signed only under pressure from Capt. Blaise Compaore , the head of state of Burkina , a country which , according to some reports , had previously been an important source of arms supplies to Taylor 's faction .
19 Safeguards for the Spanish steel industry were incorporated in an additional protocol , the talks having been held up over Spain 's concern that cheap steel exports from the three countries would disrupt its domestic industry .
20 Former Tory Cabinet Minister , leading constitutional expert and friend of the Royal family Lord St John of Fawsley said last night the announcement ‘ must mean a change in the role of the Monarchy because they have for this century , and indeed the whole of the last one , been held up as an example of model family rectitude .
21 Acts such as those involving homosexuality or abortion would , only a few years ago , have been held up as examples of ‘ hardcore ’ deviance .
22 Salaries had never been comparable with others in the record industry ; the smaller , more agreeable , ‘ cottage industry ’ atmosphere of the company had always been held up as compensation for a parsimonious attitude to wages .
23 They often came into conflict with the local Transport Committees , formed from the local branches of the main transport unions , who correctly maintained that they alone had the right to issue permits for the movement of essential items which would otherwise have been held up in the dispute .
24 They had n't arrived yet , because they had been held up in the traffic , but they would be along in time for an early lunch .
25 ‘ The importers just rang to say their shipments have been held up in Delhi .
26 The measure had been approved by the lower chamber on Dec. 1 , but had been held up in the upper house where the LDP lacked an overall majority .
27 The government decided in 1973 to promote nuclear power , but the idea has been held up by unresolved questions concerning the environment .
28 The price of oil was tumbling again , one of his most reliable brokers on Wall Street had just been arrested for insider dealing , the acquisition of a highly prestigious London hotel had been held up by a query as to who actually owned it and , back home , one of his sisters had just committed suicide , causing a tremor of scandal throughout the country .
29 ‘ Remember , ’ I reminded him , ‘ that his foot has only been held up by the pressure of that piece of wood .
30 All the members of the EC except Britain and Denmark have voted to ratify the treaty ( although in Germany the president 's signature has been held up by challenges in the constitutional court ) .
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