Example sentences of "[been] do in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This has been done in a very formal and proper way . ’
2 This has been done in a similar fashion to Martin 's approach , where the fret ends are chopped off square and then individually rounded , rather than by running a fret file down the sides of the neck and lopping all the ends off at a 45 degree angle .
3 This has been done in a number of papers and in this sections we outline the results of a study by Attfield and Duck ( 1983 ) ( henceforth AD ) .
4 The interior has been excellently restored after damage caused in the Second World War , though it has been done in a modern , simplified manner .
5 John Wesley was a reluctant convert to open-air preaching — " I would have thought the saving of souls almost a sin , if it had not been done in a church " — but at Bristol in 1739 he followed the example of George Whitefield and " submitted to be more vile , and proclaimed in the highways the glad tidings of salvation " .
6 Erm , we need to be convincing in challenge , otherwise the challenge , erm , we should question whether there is a need for any change , erm , if things have been done in a certain way for a certain period of time , erm , just because we want to change them , does n't mean to say that it does n't
7 ’ It would n't be an overstatement to say we 've carried near on a hundred tons of material of one sort or another up this driveway to our house , whereas it could have been done in a couple of days with permission to drive up . ’
8 Not too much has been done in the mountains , hardly surprising given the length of time they have been dry , but Dai Lampard snatched a great ascent with Mother of Mercy E5 6a .
9 A literary text is , manifestly , the product of a particular historical situation , and may be interpreted in the light of its origins and initial reception , as has been done in the discussions of Romantic literature by Marilyn Butler and Jerome J. McGann , who can be called New Historicists minus the ideological charge .
10 The new system for arranging Eurobond issues is derived from the way new issues have been done in the US for many years .
11 Most work on fossil dolphins has been done in the Northern Hemisphere , and little is yet known about the South .
12 So savour it while it is still new , because the developers have had the conservationists looking keenly over their shoulders during the building work , and everything has been done in the best possible taste .
13 This has been done in the belief that redundant rural labour could be absorbed by consistent growth in the manufacturing and service sectors of the economy .
14 All this has been done in the name of spurious progress : to create jobs in rural communities , provide employment .
15 Although much work has been done in the decades since those words were written , it is still true to say that many texts in printed form do not reflect the contents of the original manuscripts with complete accuracy , although more recent printed transcriptions tend to be reliable , not least because they have usually been scanned by a number of scholars before publication .
16 At this stage also it will almost certainly become apparent that a better job could have been done in the research if only more attention had been given to certain factors which had not been thought beforehand to have been of much importance .
17 If the last chapter dealt with the freedom of form of the trust , this one deals with its freedom from formulae : forms of action were not promulgated in advance , as had been done in the edict of the urban praetor .
18 Instead an eclectic approach has been taken , highlighting some of the more significant work that has been done in the five years since the first edition of this book was published .
19 Perhaps radio is now fitted inside the crash helmets , I never understood why this could not have been done in the first place , along the lines of the radios issued to policemen or the earphones that , thank God , are popular with those who can not live without constant noise .
20 ‘ The damage that has been done in the pursuit of production is the direct result of treating farming as if it were simply another business ’ BRIAN REDHEAD
21 Most of the important Physics that has been done in the laboratory during that time has been profoundly influenced by Sir Charles .
22 The way that this has been done in the past is the subject of the next chapter ; the way that it might be done in the future is the justification for this book .
23 The main impediments to the free flow of people are those placed there to facilitate the free flow of motorised traffic , particularly road crossing barriers , signs embedded in the pavement and steps and ramps to carry the walker over or under the roadway. little seems to have been done in the way of formal schemes of assessment of pedestrian problems or of priorities for maintenance or design .
24 It may seem odd to complain of an excess of refinement in a film that features talking anuses and rubber monsters shaped like bottoms , but it does all seem to have been done in the best possible taste .
25 Mr Edwards was appalled at what could and had been done in the ‘ best interests of the children ’ .
26 It had been intended to number the main service 109B and 109W , for Blackfriars and Westminster respectively , as had been done in the case of the Wimbledon services , but there was a change in heart at the last minute and the buses were delivered with blinds numbered 109 only .
27 The abolition of car tax was a bold move but it should have been done in the Budget last March , as the motor industry had asked .
28 ‘ How she was able to effect all this ’ , her nephew writes in his Memoir , ‘ is surprising , for she had no separate study to repair to , and most of the work must have been done in the general sitting-room , subject to all kinds of casual interruptions .
29 The report was able to recount what had been done in the first year of effort of the newly-organised national campaign for emancipation but to stress continuity through reliance on the circulation of pamphlets by Wilberforce and Clarkson ; reformers were ‘ thus enabled to proceed under the conduct of the same veteran Champions who had first led the battle against the African Slave Trade and who had pursued it to its final extinction ’ .
30 This seems to have been done in the interests of retaining the theoreticians ' assumption of panmixia ( Charlesworth , 1980 ) .
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