Example sentences of "he knew " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not that he 'd care , even if 'e knew .
2 P'raps 'e knew 'e was in the wrong by provokin' me in the first place .
3 He knew nearly every one , and where his memory faltered , his sennachie behind him knew them and could prompt him .
4 Alfonso was victorious without striking a blow ; and his anger at the failure of El Cid to join him knew no bounds .
5 The landlord of the inn which Ernest visited when his mother and his wife became too much for him knew of a coffee-house in the town which needed a kitchenmaid , and because he put in a good word for her , Ruth was given the job without references .
6 The supplier had a number of names and no-one who dealt with him knew , or cared to know , which was the real one .
7 On scheduled passages , of course , you ca n't always do this , but Mr. Andrew and his father before him knew the trade so well that they generally managed it .
8 For he would know , as the nine men watching him knew , that unless Thorfinn defended the Tay , he was lost .
9 A SCHOOLBOY injured after metal goal-posts fell on him knew he was going to die , one of his friends has said .
10 First of all , he knew how to listen — which is very rare .
11 He knew and practised all the rules of art , and from a composition of Raphael , Carracci , and Guido , made up a style , of which the only fault was , that it has no manifest defects and no striking beauties ; and that the principles of his composition are never blended together , so as to form one uniform body original in its kind , or excellent in any view .
12 Both men lived through the Depression , but Fraser 's depressions were only indirectly linked with the hardships of people he knew .
13 Swore like a trooper under his breath as the bus swayed through the leafy lanes , saying he could no longer make out the landmarks , that he knew such and such a tree or house was in such and such a place , he 'd passed it so often in the bus , but now could barely see it .
14 He nodded as though he knew .
15 Shouted that he knew I was inside .
16 ‘ So Dr Iverson is a successful doctor , ’ murmured Henry Tyler ( which he knew was not the same as being a good one . )
17 After the big stick came the carrot : he offered to pay my first month 's rent at a hostel he knew .
18 I could see in his eyes that he knew .
19 He argued , historically , that he knew ‘ of no period in which the police have had such a loud and didactic public presence , … [ or ] when they have offered themselves as a distinct interest as one of the great ‘ institutions ’ and perhaps the first in the realm ’ .
20 He knew he was good , and Lucy was blushing slightly .
21 Mary would work like a slave , but a woman could not take the animals to market , though he knew of widows living alone , soldiers ' wives mostly , who farmed on in a rough way by themselves , their cattle straying and mixing with the herds of others , their oats still standing in November …
22 All landmarks that he knew had long since sunk out of sight beyond the rise .
23 He knew he had simplified the matter when he said the six thousand would be sent abroad to the War — simplified it and coloured it blood-red .
24 But it was hard to pick out faces that he knew in the swaying mass of heads .
25 Shoals of people were coming up the drive from the west gate — Cameron recognized faces that he knew from the sawmill at Kenmore .
26 He walked over to the timber stack along with a sawyer called Iain Logan whom he knew well — they were both friends of Donald Gillies at Camserney mill .
27 On the night of Thursday Cameron slept badly , for no reason that he knew of .
28 He knew full well : by Acts of Parliament , voted by landlords to benefit their like .
29 It would be better , it might even be bearable , if only he knew what had become of James .
30 He knew he must have betrayed someone .
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