Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Fishing effort in the North Sea which had been slowly increasing as engines and gear were developed , came almost to a standstill during the war and , in consequence , the sea-bird populations flourished as fish stocks increased .
2 Unfortunately , leading writers in the profession seem to have been rather vague as to the precise value-adding role that is appropriate for librarians and information scientists :
3 Teachers have always been somewhat confused as to who is their client .
4 There will be found a wealth of information in all kinds of forms — from details of sites which have been excavated and studied , to actual examples of materials used , given that they have been sufficiently durable as to survive .
5 A burly constable was already standing by the public telephone , and no-one so far had been sufficiently intrepid as to approach him .
6 Fell ran in seven tries but the scoreline could have been much greater as all the conversions and a penalty were missed .
7 I told them the arguments put forward by Visual Effects , only to be told in return manufacturing a conical base would have been much easier as it could all have been done from one two-part mould in half the time . ’
8 But on nothing has the culture of contentment been so successful as in shaping the accepted attitude toward the state .
9 Could Filmer have been so stupid as to get the horses ' names wrong in addition to the cities ?
10 Men like Ryan , and probably Leo , could have their pick of women , which made it even more unbelievable that she had been so stupid as to believe Ryan .
11 It was impossible to believe she could have been so stupid as to let Marc kiss her !
12 He disliked the use of extemporary prayers , saying , ‘ There needed no other confutation than to take them down in shorthand and shew them afterwards to those men that had been so audacious as to utter them . ’
13 Nowhere has President Clinton been so caustic as in his attacks on the pharmaceutical industry for its alleged fleecing of consumers .
14 Loch 's reputation in Shropshire does not appear to have been so contentious as it was in Scotland , and the landscape he created in the Wealdmoors is now level ploughland of peat interspersed with rectangular plantations of poplar .
15 Given the brief span of their acquaintance , the even briefer time they had actually spent together , how could he have been so presumptuous as to imagine that she would wish to fly out and join him at the Plaza ?
16 Er but if they 're a sensing thinking person they will find it almost totally incomprehensible , that you 've been so lax as not to have actually worked out in detail erm you know what their job is ?
17 Whether it is viewed as a physical or metaphysical symbol , the image has never been so degraded as it is today .
18 I 've never been so indecisive as I am this time .
19 In 1932 , for example , Mrs Q. D. Leavis had roundly condemned the cheapening and weakening influences of the popular press and popular novels which produced ‘ merely crude states of mind ’ and what she called ‘ the disintegration of the reading public ’ : ‘ The reading capacity of the general public , it must be concluded , has never been so low as at the present time . ’
20 Owen cursed himself for having been so foolhardy as to get involved in this affair .
21 It was widely held that the Koreans would not be ready for independence when the war ended : memories of the closing phase of the Yi dynasty did not inspire confidence in Korean ability for effective government and the era of Japanese dominance had been so repressive as to necessitate a period of readjustment .
22 How cold she have been so callous as to forget Berenice 's unborn baby ?
23 The need for effective communications , both with our members and others , has never been so great as in these times of significant change and development .
24 The Turkish forces , let's be clear about this , have used napalm against Kurdish villages inside the ‘ safe haven ’ which the rapidstrike force is supposedly on permanent red-alert to protect — yet there has n't been so much as a cheep from any of the elements who cheered the US-led forces into the Gulf War on the basis that regimes which defy international law and slaughter innocent people must be confronted , no matter what the cost .
25 He mentioned also that " The inhabitants of the town have been so good as to rebuild me the Court wall and make some improvements in the yard , and they are very desirous for the Company to lend their aid " .
26 If she had not been so fit as she is then I am convinced that she would have died .
27 ‘ Well , ’ said Fribble , ‘ Calatin here has been so kind as to invite me to stay for a while .
28 No ‘ amateur ’ models could have been so photogenic as to command such a price .
29 They never had been so unfortunate as to have intruders , and were unlikely to start now .
30 If is often said that as people get older they care less what other people think , but it has never been so true as in the last 25 years , when women who were brought up to propitiate the more powerful sex gradually realised that it was no longer necessary — or , at least , not always necessary — to do so .
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