Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Up to this point the US had been binding itself to Vietnam with conceptual associations , policy objectives , and some material considerations .
2 MILLWALL defender Colin Cooper showed why Nottingham Forest have been pursuing him with a fine display in their 2–1 win at DERBY .
3 Yes , it was real , it was happening : sitting with her back straight and her head up in the carriage on the way back , she thought how proud her father would have been to see her at the centre of all this pomp and splendour , and found herself mentally comparing his craggy looks and red beard with Joãs clean-shaven face and small , manicured hands .
4 She always was a bit ‘ igh and mighty for the likes of us , but I did ‘ ear mention that Kitty had been to see her at London University . ’
5 Boz is the only one she 'd tell such a thing to , but she 's already told me Boz has n't been to see her since the attack . ’
6 I think the police should have been to see her within hours and not waited four years to see her . ’
7 Their friendship had straggled on in a passive sort of way ; he 'd been to see her in Brighton and played the romantic flirt , talking of Brief Encounter in the pub and putting his hand on her knee .
8 But Forest manager Clough , already upset with his team 's disappointing start , yesterday declared : ‘ Both players have been to see me about new contracts but they 're not getting them .
9 My hon. Friend has been to see me about this matter with a group of colleagues .
10 Er the N F U representative for Nottinghamshire , based in Stanford has been to see me about it
11 Er has been to see me about it , but I 've said that the initiative for farm watch has got to come from them , I said , we 're not gon na stand up and draw up a load of support and expect us to service the damn thing , I said it 's up to you and your members to do it , and I still think he 's trying to get us to do it via the back door , He 's been to talk to me now about it , and I 've told him exactly what I want to do and that we we 'll be involved , but it ai n't gon na be a police run scheme , it 's gon na be a farmer 's run scheme with police support locally .
12 The only plausible way historically to guarantee the authority of such rights has been to see them as the issue of a divine law-giver .
13 Coleman knew them already — they had been to see him at the University of Alabama while planning the trip — and so it was natural enough that he should now take on the chore of shepherding them around the island during their stay .
14 During his time as Party chairman , many constituency officers had been to see him on a similar errand .
15 She had n't been to see him for nearly a week , but that had happened before when the red-headed lout was staying at the farm .
16 When they met , Burn said that Donaldson had been to see him in the interim .
17 Robert said he 'd been to see you in Brno recently ; hope it was a good weekend .
18 This has happened when I have been catching plenty of barbel , with no breakages , and the matchmen have asked me what I have been using .
19 Worse , Riley had been chiding him for not providing a string of exclusive MacQuillan stories but the ones he had written were being held over until they were out of date or appeared elsewhere .
20 Stark 's confidence appears to have been at a low ebb but the Scotland manager , Duncan Paterson , has been reminding him of his form earlier in the season : at the Dubai Sevens , which the Scots won ; in the A international against Italy in Melrose when the Boroughmuir winger had a hand in both tries ; and in his senior international debut against Ireland at Murrayfield , when he scored one try and was heavily involved in the other from Tony Stanger .
21 He had been seeing her for over a year now and yesterday she popped the big question .
22 I 've been seeing her for three years . ’
23 I 've been seeing her for 3 and a half years .
24 Margaret had been seeing him for nearly a year and Maura had the feeling that they were going to get married .
25 Been seeing him for years . ’
26 I wo n't be able to tell them that I 've been seeing you since November , but I 'll tell them . "
27 ‘ I 've been eating it for years but it 's weird .
28 They 've been building it for God knows how long , cancelling trains , people ca n't get on or off the platforms .
29 Constable Perkins , who had been enjoying himself at the fête , ‘ patrolling ’ the exhibits , had only by chance come into the Cookery Tent at the vital moment .
30 ‘ Speaking crossly and rudely although Carrie had only been stewing indoors because she had been helping him in the shop !
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