Example sentences of "[been] [verb] by some " in BNC.

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1 Her interest has been aroused by some new paintings which she has seen in a SoHo gallery , which a friend has compared unfavourably with the work of Lee Krasner .
2 Now , one member of the joint traffic management sub-committee who has been closely associated with all of these three issues is county councillor Tony and I must say , Mr Mayor that I am surprised to say the least by the way in which councillor appears appears to have been treated by some members of the labour party in this city .
3 The confusion over Anglo-American relations has been compounded by some influential Americans , including Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger , who subsequently argued that the United States should have backed the British over Suez in 1956 .
4 Airbus Industrie rejected any suggestion that the aircraft itself was to blame , but its sophisticated " fly by wire " computer system had been criticized by some experts as over-complicated , and Indian Airlines staff complained that pilots and maintenance crew had received insufficient training on the Airbus .
5 The scheme has been criticized by some animal welfare activists .
6 They looked as if they had been arranged by some cleaner who had been sent in to tidy up and who did not know that in this room Ernest Jarvis had hanged himself .
7 More recently fast-breeder reactors fuelled with a mixture of plutonium and uranium have been developed by some countries .
8 Many programmers realized that they had been programming things that should never have been taught at all , or that should have been taught by some other method or combination of methods .
9 Thus the teaching of certain forms of knowledge has been regarded by some as intrinsically worthwhile ; whilst others have regarded certain principles of procedure , such as enquiry-discovery learning , in much the same way .
10 The ability of a prime minister effectively to call a general election has been regarded by some writers as the most important weapon in ensuring parliamentary support .
11 Well , fortunately , new ground has been broken by some of our novelists , ground which can be husbanded by new writers .
12 Furthermore , in recent years dozens of rivers have been contaminated by some 1,500 tons of mercury used by miners to extract gold .
13 Locomotives and the routes themselves have always attracted authors in profusion but in recent years that trend has been punctuated by some useful and illuminating titles on passenger and freight vehicles .
14 Already huge controversy has been provoked by some researchers ' attempts to claim effective ownership of human genes through patenting and by a proposal to set up a UK national database of ‘ DNA fingerprints ’ to enable the rapid identification and capture of violent criminals .
15 A multitude of household effects , iron bars , timbers , glass , bricks , a chimney stack , seemed to have been shaken by some giant hand and strewn any which way .
16 To prove contrary evidence it was necessary to have either positive proof that the document was returned to the sender or , if sent by recorded delivery , that there was no acknowledgement of receipt , or if there was evidence of the document having been received by some person , there was proof that the person was not the intended recipient and that he had not brought the document to the notice of the person required to be served .
17 Here we know that the enclosure of the open fields began in the 1570s , and had been completed by some date in the seventeenth century .
18 Sophia tried to see her sister as a spinster and it was not so very difficult — a rather eccentric spinster not even looking as if she might once have been ennobled by some tragic love affair .
19 She says her neighbour 's garden , always is a mystery here , her neighbour 's garden has been attacked by some kind of animal , she thinks nocturnal , there are small areas dug up from the garden , they are about three to four inches in diameter and about the same in depth , so it 's , it 's , it 's a little hole rather than the end of a tunnel it seems .
20 There had n't been a Friday or Saturday in the last year which had n't been occupied by some social gathering , where he 'd mingled with Vanessa 's friends .
21 After four attempts to elect a Chair of the Ukrainian Council of Ministers , the outgoing holder of the post , Vitaly Masol , was re-elected on June 28 , despite having been blamed by some deputies during the election debate for the Ukraine 's current economic problems .
22 Alternate day prednisone was not often used , even though such treatment has been recommended by some gastroenterologists as routine maintenance treatment of Crohn 's disease .
23 The 1988 changes to social security regulations have been considered by some to constitute the biggest overhaul in welfare benefits since their introduction by Beveridge in 1948 .
24 EDUCATION chiefs in the Southern Education and Library Board have been stumped by some of the questions on the 11-plus exam !
25 She and her friend Sharon have been pursued by some boys , who are taunting Carol to take her clothes off .
26 One of the most promising directions , which has been pursued by some large advertising agencies , and which has been extensively talked about , is so-called ‘ lifestyle ’ research .
27 ‘ We 've been approached by some welfare organization about group bookings .
28 It has been claimed by some that the apparent warming trend was in fact only a reflection of the " urban heat island effect " , because most of the records come from cities .
29 It has been claimed by some writers that distinctive feature analysis is not irrelevant to the study of language learning , and that pronunciation difficulties experienced by learners are better seen as due to the need to learn a particular feature or combination of features than as the absence of particular phonemes .
30 And the buildings looked as derelict as if they had all been lifted by some force and dropped again .
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