Example sentences of "[been] [verb] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Pressure on the finances has been eased by Euro Disney 's deferring its base management fee for 1992 and 1993 , due to the Walt Disney Company in America .
2 The struggle for Cyprus had been eased by British acceptance of the Sovereign Base concept , though the Zurich Agreement between Greece and Turkey , which enabled Britain to grant Cyprus its independence , was not signed until February 1959 .
3 In the 1980s , Rothenberg explored the human form , which had been dismissed by early minimalists as having no new means of expression .
4 In John Hart 's case , his appeal to the House of Lords against the decisions of the High Court and the Court of Appeal would have been dismissed by four to one , had proceedings as related in Hansard not been allowed as evidence .
5 Wirral Tory claims that the situation is a result of Labour councillors backing a ‘ ca n't pay , wont pay ’ campaign have been dismissed by Labour leader Coun Dave Jackson .
6 Gavin , since been dismissed by local government union Nalgo , was a full-time union official representing thousands of council employees .
7 The KPNLF , which has about 7,000 men , had until recently been dismissed by military analysts as a badly organised force more interested in black-market activities across the Thai-Cambodia border than military operations .
8 She sat back , visualising the scene as the mud in the sample had been examined by remote control , and the virus isolated .
9 Many cultural historians have too readily appropriated literary writing as cultural documents , subduing the problems about what language actually represents which have been examined by other forms of theoretical inquiry , notably deconstruction .
10 The entire Barnes collection has been examined by National Gallery conservators , and the National Gallery has agreed to arrange for the tour 's transportation and insurance .
11 But in all cases he has been stopped by diocesan authorities as the centres are outside his parish .
12 The attempt had been strengthened by the respect and admiration for Russian arms that had been aroused by Russian resistance on the eastern front .
13 Her sister did not reply , confused by the question , and the anxiety that had been aroused by those few moments , during which two men had helped old Eleanor Thorne down the front path and into a waiting ambulance .
14 Mrs Titcombe 's nagging suspicions had been aroused by several points .
15 Her interest has been aroused by some new paintings which she has seen in a SoHo gallery , which a friend has compared unfavourably with the work of Lee Krasner .
16 When William Burnes died at Lochlea in 1784 , John Tennant lent a horse to help to convey his body to Alloway for burial in the grounds of Kirk Alloway and memories of Alloway and the ruined kirk must have been recalled by both families when they met on that day .
17 Certainly , his intellectual position would not have been jeopardised by such an extension of his arguments .
18 In recent years the head offices of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have taken steps to increase their influence on this process , and have aroused the resentment of local favourites whose chances of nomination have been jeopardised by this " interference " .
19 He was ultimately responsible for the emptying of the city , the forced labour in the countryside , the persecution of anyone judged to have been tainted by foreign influences , and the bloody purges of Khmer Rouge cadres suspected of being ‘ Vietnamese traitors ’ .
20 For , while these theories pursued distinctive concerns , ideas drawn from each of them have been blended by political theorists to create an identifiable body of ideas with certain distinctive characteristics .
21 These disciplines have been joined by many others from different fields , from Law to Business Studies , to Social Administration , to Gender Studies , to Forestry , Religious Studies and Natural Resources .
22 The variation in size would have been enormous as the existing parish councils would have been joined by such cities as Sheffield as ‘ local councils ’ .
23 By early July the two Meteor F.4s had been joined by two Meteor T.7s ( and a Tiger Moth ! ) and the crews were introduced to the ‘ joys ’ of jet asymmetric flying .
24 Eventually , after she had been joined by two others whose grasp of the English language was as poor as hers , they booked in to two rooms .
25 At Philadelphia he had been joined by two others in what was obviously a preplanned meeting since the moment dinner was cleared away and a new round of gin and diet tonics ordered they began a miniature board meeting .
26 Since Ralph de Faye was a member of the house of the Viscounts of Cha tellerault this means that with the one exception of the Viscount of Thouars — who had earlier suffered badly as the result of a quarrel with Eleanor — she had been joined by all the leading barons of Poitou and the Angoumois .
27 Though it used to be thought that internationalism was the preserve of the large , private corporation , today they have been joined by small firms and many state enterprises .
28 The team has been joined by full-time translator Sarah Hutton , whose specialities are Dutch and Russian .
29 Meanwhile the range has been joined by seasonable designs from Miss Asher , including Santa in a chimney , a snowman and a Christmas pudding .
30 Stars like Joanna Lumley , Hayley Mills and Joan Plowright have been happy to give their support , and BNFL 's major sponsorship has been joined by Nuclear Electric , Norwest Holst and the Manchester Evening News .
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