Example sentences of "[been] [verb] to some " in BNC.

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1 The problem of lack of time has been eased to some degree by the setting up of communal kitchens like those in Lima , Peru .
2 Even in its best days the circulation of the magazine had been limited to some eight hundred subscribers ( most of whom were " Eliot watchers " , according to Stephen Spender ) and by the time it had ceased publication that number had dropped to a couple of hundred .
3 ‘ With the Tottenham Three being acquitted , people feel the problem has been ameliorated to some extent , ’ said a campaigner .
4 ‘ I am disappointed for the crowd because generally they have been treated to some good football here and all our performance lacked was some goals .
5 In recent years several British ensembles have begun to draw upon an ‘ exotic ’ instrumentarium of this kind once again , but they have been marginalized to some degree .
6 In areas of high population responsibility for education has been given to some ‘ first tier ’ authorities ie district councils within metropolitan regions , such as Salford .
7 The woman had rubbed herself vigorously with the leaves , and presumably the man had been exposed to some of the plant 's irritant oil remaining on her body after washing .
8 Examination of records available on smoking related activity in the control schools indicated that pupils in half of the schools had been exposed to some incidental and unplanned smoking education through events such as No Smoking Day or through associated teaching in home economics or biology .
9 References have been confined to some of the more significant primary sources and to secondary sources that readers may find particularly interesting or readable .
10 Under the new regime for companies this problem has been addressed to some extent .
11 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
12 But the Chancellor did show he had been listening to some of industry 's gripes .
13 This question has been answered to some extent by a recent paper which showed a significantly higher mortality and morbidity among diabetics discharged solely to primary care in the community compared to those cared for by the hospital diabetic clinic ( Hayes & Harries , 1984 ) .
14 Reference has already been made to some of these changes .
15 This quantitative approach has been adopted to some extent by at least one local authority as the policy statement below illustrates :
16 In recent years the breed has been exported to some extent to Jamaica , Uganda , Saudi Arabia and Iran but more widely to Canada , the USA and New Zealand .
17 Swirling snowclouds and rain strengthened the illusion that there was no outside world anymore , and that they had all been transported to some frozen Hell .
18 Sharpe remembered that Lucille , who had loyally left France to stay at his side , had been invited to some fashionable and expensive ball that was supposed to take place in Brussels this night .
19 Notwithstanding these developments , however , even in some European countries the tendency towards decentralisation in collective negotiations has been offset to some extent by cross-currents .
20 A RUSTY old gasometer which fed-up local residents want demolished because ‘ it 's a blot on the landscape ’ has been compared to some of Italy 's most beautiful buildings .
21 The development of sub-degree courses has also been inhibited to some extent because better staffing ratios , more generous accommodation and higher salaries have accrued from teaching full-time degree level students .
22 Erm er whereby the green code has been allocated to some er some houses having , people are recycling through bottle , erm bottle waste .
23 His activities had been known to some antislavery figures long before , but in 1814 his Mitigation of Slavery was published along with an extensive and favourable account by the Scots abolitionist William Dickson in the form of Letters to Thomas Clarkson .
24 By the turn of the year , Ellison , who had been linked to some big-name clubs , was looking jaded .
25 The workforce has been reduced to some 6,100 .
26 From its peak combat strength of around 20,000 at the end of the Marcos era in 1985 , the guerrillas were thought to have been reduced to some 13,000 fighters by mid-1992 .
27 At the time of the Arab invasion in 639 the population has been estimated at between 20 and 30 million , but when Napoleon invaded the decaying Ottoman Egypt in 1798 it had been reduced to some two and a half million .
28 In the first place , as must already be evident , it shows some striking parallels with the Formalists ' views on literature and literary studies — views which were developed for the greater part quite independently of it , for although later Formalist theory may have been influenced to some degree by Saussure , the beginnings of the movement predate the publication of his Cours .
29 He had always been involved to some extent , but when an old villager came to him and said , ‘ You ca n't let this thing die , your father was a polemaster and we look to you to see this thing does n't stop ’ , he could n't resist the challenge .
30 Maurin had been involved to some degree in everything that had happened .
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