Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [to-vb] up " in BNC.

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1 The Soviet neutralisation plan for the Persian Gulf may have been intended to open up a strategic dialogue on a broad front to enable Soviet diplomats to introduce Western military preponderance in the Gulf region tacitly or explicitly into the negotiation process for the limitation of Soviet military influence in other regions .
2 EXCITING theme days have been arranged to spice up eating in the Barlaston canteen .
3 Turkey 's state-owned Posts , Telegraphs & Telephone Administration is inviting rebids for the contract to set up a Groupe Speciale Mobile digital cellular system : bids had already been received to set up the system on a revenue-sharing basis , but the tender was withdrawn after the PTT decided to set up the system on a concession basis instead .
4 In the UK , and in the USA , the first step has been to try to set up an assessment procedure ( Simpson , 1981 ) ; then to consider how training might best be implemented .
5 Our policy has been to try to build up a great team and not to weaken our playing strength , and it was for this reason that we accepted the offer made .
6 However , the gambling stories may have been exaggerated to cover up some story of compromising letters and blackmail , and the matter is obscure .
7 A new telephone system has been installed to speed up the operations of Middlesbrough Borough and Cleveland County Councils .
8 The collection had been expected to fetch up to eighty thousand pounds .
9 Bruce Armitage , Grampian Enterprise 's director of training , stressed that the £100,000 grant had been designed to set up a framework in which other agencies could work .
10 Equally , Enoch Powell 's speeches in the 1960s which might have been designed to stir up racial animosity between the various Commonwealth communities , had only a limited impact , with Powell himself becoming politically marginalized .
11 The Supreme Court on July 17 ruled " unreasonable and illegal " the emergency regulations initiated by Housing and Construction Minister Ariel Sharon , which had been designed to speed up the building of accommodation for tens of thousands of Jewish immigrants from the Soviet Union .
12 Hugh Geach , head of programme support services at Television South , explains : ‘ Everything the Government has done has been designed to open up television to market forces , to encourage new channels and competition for advertising .
13 ‘ Chances have been missed to build up indigenous industry .
14 Only this weekend , industrial users in the electricity industry have been looking to break up power generators and introduce competition , and there is a suggestion that the Director General of Electricity Supply might yet refer the electricity industry to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission on the issue of industrial prices , as happened with British Gas .
15 Finally , Mr Murray said that he had received numerous letters about the selection of the typeface ( Courier ) for all our future correspondence and due to the strength of feeling on this and other layout issues it has been decided to set up a Keyboard Operators panel to discuss the way forward .
16 It is here that efforts have been made to open up resources to working-class communities and/or to provide access into educational institutions .
17 Establish whether the patient smokes cigarettes or a pipe , the amount of tobacco taken daily and whether attempts have been made to give up or reduce consumption in previous attempts have been unsuccessful , offer advice and encouragement to help the patient stop smoking during the pre-operative period .
18 But with the exception of Aviemore in Scotland , no serious attempt has been made to set up leisure communities in Britain .
19 Finally given the schedule , the detailed room description , and these architectural considerations , ( amongst others ) an attempt has been made to draw up some exemplar plans and two of these are illustrated .
20 Dr. Goldsmith refused to answer the question whether Miss Price was capable of her duties , and Mr. Kenealy went on to say that a Mrs. Rainbow , bedridden for two years , had been made to get up only one week after her admission .
21 However , attempts have been made to make up for this by the development of other devices such as question time , ten-minute rule bills and the practice of asking wide-ranging questions each Thursday when the business for the following week is announced .
22 The knowledge that her mother loved her was not sufficient to quench her rage , for she felt that she had been made to grow up too soon and had no idea that her mother regretted her own inability to speak openly and lose her temper .
23 Yet Nixon continued to maintain his innocence : on 22 May , he stated that " I took no part in , nor was I aware of any subsequent effort that may have been made to cover up Watergate . "
24 They said in the shop that the men who did it had been pretending to take up paving stones — nobody thought anything because it looked as if they were from the Council . ’
25 Already , however , a committee of assembly members - among them only one Maronite — has been instructed to draw up a report , once the debates are over , on the changes in the covenant which a majority of parliamentarians will accept .
26 Artemis asked , as she stood admiring her fifteenth birthday present , a stunning looking dark brown thoroughbred gelding which Jenkins had been instructed to lead up outside the house as a surprise .
27 The employer said it had been attempting to tighten up on the very widespread practice of employees going for tea immediately after clocking on .
28 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE has been told to turn up at his restaurant at Venice Beach , California at 2.30 pm to tell me his version of the story of his life , then Dudley Moore more or less dudleys into his restaurant at Venice Beach , California and joins me at a corner table where I 've been waiting to hear his story .
29 Of the thousand-plus programmes I must have taken part in during those years I remember very little , and those mostly trivial things : Thor Heyerdahl the Norwegian explorer arriving half an hour late from Broadcasting House because the taxi driver sent to fetch him understood he had been told to pick up four airedales ( a reasonable enough request , he reckoned , from the BBC ) ; the maverick film director Ken Russell whacking Alexander Walker , the Evening Standard film critic , over the head with a copy of his own paper ; Norman St John Stevas , MP ( now Lord St John of Fawsley ) winking at a cameraman who had had the stars and stripes sewn on to the bottom of his jeans ; Enoch Powell 's eyes filling with tears when I asked if he was an emotional man ; A. J. P. Taylor on his seventy-fifth birthday admitting he had never been offered an honour and when I asked him which he would like if given the choice , his replying , ‘ A baronetcy , because it would make my elder son so dreadfully annoyed . ’
30 FARMERS in the south-west have been told to clean up their act or face fines of up to £20,000 .
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