Example sentences of "[been] [prep] [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 In the post-war period , expenditure on the military has been between 5 and 10 per cent of GDP .
2 In this case we can calculate that the average output per obverse die must have been between 23,000 and 47,000 .
3 He never had a chance of getting the money , which would have been between 10 and 12 times the amount in circulation in the UK at the moment . ’
4 On average prices were around 25 per cent lower between 1720 and 1780 than they had been between 1660 and 1680 .
5 The viewing figures are estimated to have been between 100,000 and 150,000 .
6 But Spain would never again be as politically and economically isolated as it had been between 1945 and 1950 .
7 The average audience has been between 200,000 and 250,000 .
8 Unfortunately , the burial period must have been between 1400 and 1000 B.C. , a time far distant from the legendary date of the battle between Coilus and Fergus .
9 It is currently considered that a House consisting of some 650 members is appropriate ; the figure has been between 600 and 650 for many decades although there is nothing magic about this particular size .
10 A parliamentary committee in 1799 considered there to have been between 4,000 and 5,000 women working at copper mines , but this was an overestimate for an enumeration of 1838 , after a considerable expansion , counted 4,526 .
11 By the time he had been through that and was ready to return , Jennifer had been married and divorced and was almost a stranger again .
12 In November , he warned that if the likes of IBM and DEC did n't implement drastic measures they 'd go through ‘ Holy Heck ’ — DG has been through that and if the company is confident about one thing , it is that the worst is over .
13 I do n't make any apologies for that , and maybe it is going over the old ground , but unless we do it , unless we try to do it , if we 've done it the way before been and it has n't produced what we , what we want , then surely it 's not for us to sit back and say , ‘ Well , it 's been through that and it has n't worked ’ , surely we ought to try again , and that 's what I hope to be doing , sort of value your support and see you .
14 Hendry had been through sweet and sour on the weekend .
15 Over the years Muir has been through thick and thin with Tranmere , and has been worth his weight in gold .
16 This time tomorrow it would be all over , and part of history ; the victors would be celebrating , the losers complaining that had it not been for this and that , they would have won , and the course of history would have been different .
17 His vassals were asked to swear on the Gospels what these rights and obligations ( deveriis ) were , and the thrust of the inquiry appears to have been towards municipal and communal liberties .
18 However , India produces some very good quality rugs , particularly in Kashmir , and the trend over the last few years has been towards finer and finer items .
19 The improved relationships between the school , the parents , the child guidance service , social work and others has been of immense and profound benefit .
20 But then he kept going on about how brilliant your party was gon na be and everything and I 'm sat there thinking let's face it , if I come on between you know , because like , it would have been alright cos I 'd be finished like , today or tomorrow and then it would have been like nice and ready for the party !
21 He 's always been like that and he has n't changed .
22 Yes they 've always been like that and they always will be like that .
23 She had been with fitzAlan and
24 Even in the urban core where there has been massive population loss associated with slum clearance , there were almost as many dwellings in 1981 as there had been in 1961 and , as Table 3.4 shows , the area now has a far higher standard of amenity .
25 Two used coffee cups and an ashtray full of cigarette ends suggested that the two men who awaited their arrival had been in long and deep discussion .
26 There had been in 1983 and 1984 , two great festivals of athletics : the first ever World Championships in Helsinki and the Olympic Games in Los Angeles , respectively .
27 Accordingly when , in 1811 , the shearmen of the West Riding , locally known as " croppers " , who had been in regular and supportive contact with the Wiltshire shearmen throughout their struggle , faced the introduction of machinery in their turn , the " peaceful " option of petitioning parliament had been foreclosed .
28 She could n't remember having actually been in one and anyway , they rarely came Past Mrs Parvis 's lodgings .
29 Others , however , joined in the exercise : ‘ It must have been in such and such a way ; I mean , there 's a story which says …
30 Although Maurice was not a Romanist nor an archaeologist — his interest has always been in medieval and later houses — he had set up a training school at Lincoln with Philip Corder as director .
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