Example sentences of "i walked " in BNC.

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1 And I walked .
2 I walked out of the village , got to the main road , turned right instead of left and here I am .
3 One job has led to another but I do remember a particular film audition which I walked out of , much to the concern of everyone , my agent , and the casting director .
4 Now I Joseph was walking , and I walked not .
5 Thought of him tonight as I walked down to the river .
6 I walked back to SIS .
7 I walked on further down the street and when I spied a suitable coffee shop , I went in , sat down and ordered myself a soothing cuppa .
8 As I walked down the front steps for the last time , a feeling of elation swept over me .
9 I walked in the front door of the Department and the receptionist said ‘ Good morning , Mr Illingsworth , ’ which she never normally did .
10 I walked in the cold of London without tights , without an overcoat , without a jumper .
11 I walked along , trembling with anger and misery , not through the London of beautiful houses and clean streets that I 'd dreamed of , where people wore only elegant , expensive clothes , nor between buildings that soared into the clouds , but in the darkness past trees planted at infrequent intervals and council houses with their unlit windows , all alike ; I passed people asleep , protected from the cold in cardboard boxes , and rubbish in untidy heaps or neatly tied up in black plastic bags and empty milk bottles with traces of sour milk lingering in them , and I marvelled once again that the dairies were trusting enough to leave them lying about .
12 I walked along with something boring a hole between my legs .
13 It was growing dark as I walked down the pier alone , his jacket draped over my shoulders , and I wondered if I should really look for Wilde at all .
14 It occurred to me that as I had met nobody as I walked through the gate and went upstairs , there was no need to encounter anyone now , going down , and I moved my chair from the window .
15 I walked out of the hospital and did n't go back . ’
16 Then she said she felt happy enough to skip the Ecstasy experiment and , instead , to have an early night , so I refused to talk to her for the rest of the meal — rightly , I think — and on the way home I walked stiffly three yards ahead of her .
17 I happened upon the tannery when I walked east along the coast towards the beginning of the Akrotiri peninsula .
18 The night sky was still fairly light as I walked through the village , passing close to No. 6 Commando positions .
19 I walked over and spoke to the driver .
20 I walked alongside the men at the head of the column and soon learned they were the Black Watch , a well-known Scottish regiment .
21 Stopping the pipes and stepping out on the footpath at the side of the river I walked towards the Green Berets .
22 The voice belonged to George , he had drawn up on the other side of the road , and as I walked towards him his voice was getting impatient .
23 I walked alongside the column for a short distance .
24 As I walked through the rubble in the direction of the road leading back to Amfreville and Brigade H.Q I passed a few slit trenches manned by No. 4 Commando .
25 In my child 's brain he crashed at my feet as I walked through a strange city .
26 I walked into the college cinema to find the tutor watching the film on his own .
27 I walked inside and it was just like my granny 's sitting room Not only did it sell teddy boy clothes but there was also a fifties radiogram and fifties wallpaper .
28 I walked in through the door and , feeling a bit lost , I asked the first person I saw if he knew whether the Social Secretary was around .
29 And I walked out
30 I walked out and my son Sunil was behind me — he walked out too .
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