Example sentences of "i thank " in BNC.

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1 I have passed on to them the teaching and worship tapes sent on to e here and they have asked me to thank you sincerely and they ask you to continue to pray for them .
2 Pat has also asked me to thank those who gave their names to be pen friends and asks you to be patient as she is too ill to distribute them yet .
3 On the day Sir Hubert arrived in Rangoon he sent for me to thank me for the way in which this delicate matter had been handled .
4 You know , you 've got me to thank she did n't chuck you out .
5 It 's a privilege and an honour for me to thank him , on your behalf , for coming here tonight and addressing us in the way he has .
6 Mr Mason has asked me to thank you very much for the invitation to attend the announcement of the name of the winning architect chosen to design the new Museum on 13th August .
7 Incidentally I was wearing my ‘ holy robes ’ at Alton Towers back in November , & some Blackburn fans came up to me to thank me for Batty !
8 Finally , I am sure that you will want me to thank the staff of the Council for their valuable work in what has been another very busy and challenging year .
9 It only remains for me to thank everyone who made this year both a pleasure and a challenge for me .
10 MAUD Smyth has asked me to thank the Rev Grindle and all who helped to make the memorial service for her brother Thomas , who had died in Canada , so beautiful and moving .
11 I send it to the individual 's home and I include a personal note from me thanking him for his achievement .
12 I thanked him and tore up the prescription at the door .
13 I thanked him but with some embarrassment .
14 Bedelia was busy roasting dandelion roots , I thanked her for having us and gave her the royal wave .
15 Delighted at the chance to see more of County Sligo , especially as the weather was now improving , I thanked the priest and settled back in my seat .
16 I thanked him and declined .
17 I thanked him for his cheering thought and walked over to interrupt Barry who was involved with a small group of well-heeled tourists at the far end of the bar .
18 I thanked her and she withdrew back into her parlour .
19 I thanked the doctor again and showed him out .
20 I thanked him and his shadow , and hurried back to the car .
21 I thanked him and said goodbye .
22 I thanked them for praying for me and seeing me now , hoped they thought their efforts worthwhile .
23 Susie smiled when I thanked her for putting up with me .
24 I thanked him and was about to leave when he realized he did n't know my name .
25 I thanked him for dinner and said how much I 'd enjoyed myself .
26 I thanked him and told him to tell my mother not to worry , I knew what to do .
27 I thanked him and hung up , and with considerable contentment took my two bags in a taxi to Union Station .
28 I thanked him for everything and left the orbit of his beaming smile knowing that I was included in the universality of stupid behaviour .
29 Carrying the booty , I thanked her for her kindness in answering our questions , and helping , and George and I retreated .
30 I thanked her gratefully , and she said , ‘ But you 're beautiful , and the beautiful should be given everything they want . ’
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