Example sentences of "[Wh adv] they [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 However , whenever they might have been emparked , it seems that the colour pattern had been established in Britain for a very long time indeed .
2 Users are likely to be able to lead the process of innovation whenever they perceive their own needs more clearly than other firms do , and whenever they can appropriate most of the benefits from innovation .
3 IT was common knowledge the come the new law changes they would almost certainly include the experimental decision to award the put-in following a maul going nowhere to the defending side , so why are we getting so many whingers making their thoughts known whenever they can get their name in print .
4 This view led to the first restrictions on private members ' capacity to interrupt or hold up business whenever they liked — or whenever they could get the House to listen to them , for there was always considerable self-discipline .
5 It may be too great a temptation to human frailty , apt to grasp at power , for the same persons who have the power of making laws , to have also in their hands the power to execute them , whereby they may exempt themselves from obedience to the laws they make , and suit the law , both in its making and execution , to their own private advantage .
6 This is the so-called ‘ poverty-trap ’ of the lower paid : a small increase in earning takes them over a threshold , whereby they may lose certain welfare benefits and at the same time have to pay a disproportionately large increase in tax on their original income .
7 As an alternative to the cash dividend the Board is proposing that an enhanced scrip dividend is offered to shareholders whereby they may elect to receive new ordinary shares with a value of 10.65 pence per share , an increase of 50% over the proposed final cash dividend .
8 What is needed as far as language teachers are concerned is some way of making them aware of the problem as it relates to their professional work and of providing the means whereby they might arrive at interpretations appropriate to themselves .
9 They accepted that employment upon the terms as to remuneration laid down in the scale of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors whereby they would receive 10 per cent of one year 's rent defined as ‘ the rent reserved by letting ’ plus any additional service charge .
10 If so , the claim would have to be dealt with under our own policy , with Lloyds Underwriters only being involved where the amount of the claim exceeds the sum insured , whereby they would have to deal with the balance of the claim over the policy limits .
11 A National Film Studio , combining the small companies into one strong conglomerate , had been proposed , but this idea made no more headway than a proposal to negotiate a reciprocity deal with the Americans , whereby they would take a certain number of British films into national distribution in return for free access to British screens .
12 In Edwin Hill & Partners v. First National Finance Corporation a finance company which had a legal charge over B 's property to secure a loan came to an arrangement with B whereby they would develop the property themselves rather than exercise their power of sale under the charge .
13 They would be able to see that the doctrine could provide criteria whereby they could settle for themselves their own problems , such for example , as that of differentiating between the prickings of conscience and the spiritual crushings of a guilt complex .
14 It was , therefore , proposed in 1953 to introduce a form of ‘ boost ’ training for trained crews on reserve status whereby they could return to a squadron to undertake two weeks of intensive refresher flying .
15 He still hoped that France under de Gaulle would provide ‘ an opening to the west ’ , whereby they could negotiate for ‘ engagement de dégagement ’ .
16 The ICS , as a body , had never been much taken with political reform , sensing correctly that it set in motion a process whereby they could expect only to be replaced , and both reason and sentiment told them that this would never do .
17 Those with training in other performance skills , variety , singers and dancers , should consult Equity about the means whereby they could qualify for membership .
18 Such organisms have evolved their complex response repertoires as the means whereby they can relate to stimuli impinging from outside , either through direct tactile contact or at a short distance , by vibration or chemosensory means .
19 Then there is the little understood sense possessed by certain fishes , whereby they can detect an object because of its minute electrical activity .
20 What we are saying there are other emergencies and I get down to the word loneliness now is there any reason why senior citizens should n't have the facility whereby they can make telephone calls if those , they so desire , to members of the family who in many instances they have n't seen for long periods of time ?
21 So we 've got to the situation then where erm we are making sure that nobody is gon na put us in a position whereby they can cause us problems .
22 Not do actually do the land reform themselves , but to create the conditions whereby they can believe in themselves .
23 I mean , I would imagine that they can pr , they can with your assistance , create something whereby they can say there will be a meal and it will be
24 There is ‘ no coherent set of personnel procedures , for lay employees or for ministers , whereby they can see a career path with training and proper systems of appraisal . ’
25 Large transient hotels very often enter into agreements with certain airlines or travel agents whereby they will hold a number of rooms specifically for them on a guarantee basis .
26 Homebase has organised reciprocal promotions with the nearby McDonalds restaurant and Mobil petrol station whereby they will issue discount vouchers valid at Homebase during the store 's first five weeks .
27 However , it is difficult to see how they might generate significant welfare losses ( and , indeed , may involve some welfare gains — see Waterston ) , unless practised by firms that have significant market power , in which case they may be used to exploit and sustain a dominant position .
28 On a more positive note , the sole practitioner generally needs to care little about the financial decisions of his colleagues and how they might affect his income .
29 In this chapter we briefly examine the development of community care policy ; consider the Griffiths reforms and how they might affect the structure and organization of social service departments ; and consider the role of formal and informal caring agencies .
30 Their efforts were observed by John Paston III who , however , was watching events round the king almost entirely with an eye to how they might affect his family 's dispute with the duke of Norfolk , and recorded the flurry of activity without noting its cause .
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