Example sentences of "[Wh adv] he do not " in BNC.

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1 William Jennings Bryan , the Democrats ' unsuccessful presidential candidate , replied : ‘ Whenever he does n't like it , he can give it back . ’
2 The pater pays for holidays and he 's about to buy her a car , though she can borrow the family car and chauffeur whenever he does n't want them .
3 They told Jesus how he was getting richer and richer as they got poorer and poorer , and how he did n't have any pity even on people who really could n't afford to pay .
4 How he did n't break his leg , I do not know . ’
5 He also remembered the goose pimples that appeared on his arms as the evening grew cooler , and how he did n't suggest they went inside because he was afraid she would say that it was time to go .
6 ‘ What sort of a day have you had ? ’ she asked him lightly , and spent the first course and half of the second in hearing how he did n't think he was giving so much concentration to his job as he should just lately .
7 I was impressed with his how he did n't disregard one you know
8 In January 1936 he lectured in Dublin and when in June of the same year he agreed to read poetry at Sylvia Beach 's bookshop in Paris ( he was in that city for a four-day visit ) she described it as an " historic event " although one member of the audience on that occasion remembered how he did not once glance at his listeners , but seemed " fiercely defensive " and turned the pages with a " look very near distaste " : his profile was " like a bird of prey of some sort " .
9 A person is guilty under s.20 of the OAPA ( see later ) when he does not foresee grievous bodily harm but does foresee some harm .
10 I always know when he does n't understand something .
11 He said there was never a day when he did not believe they would survive .
12 Admittedly the referee was a foolish fellow who kept re-penalising Swansea for failing to retreat 10 yards when he did not give them the remotest chance to do so .
13 Gedge can not remember a time when he did not want to be in a pop group .
14 A member of the Institute having been found to have been in breach of Bye-law 76(c) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he between 1 January 1985 and 30 March 1992 engaged in public practice contrary to Bye-law 59 when he did not hold a current practising certificate was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £500 by way of costs .
15 His son Kieran then succeeded him and retained his seat there until 1989 when he did not seek re-election .
16 After all , he was a very clever man , and sometimes , when he did not think she knew , he gave her some very peculiar looks that made her shivery inside .
17 She could say no more , only after a moment when he did not answer , ‘ Please do n't reproach yourself , my darling , when you have given me back to myself again . ’
18 Mr Gray said he knew of one man who had been threatened with court action for not paying his water rates when he did not receive a reminder .
19 When he came in the evening — it was by this time unthinkable that there should be an evening when he did not come — he might let slip something that would make sense of this new move .
20 He can never remember a time when he did n't have a detective to guard him , or private cars , planes or trains to transport him .
21 When David did things that I thought were stupid , or when he did n't turn up , or he 'd turn up ‘ high ’ , I told him I thought he was stupid .
22 You 'd be quite comfortable , I assure you , ’ the man went on , and by his pleading tone Breeze guessed that his employer was used to having his own way — and raised Cain when he did n't get it .
23 Was it in the car like last time when he did n't manage it ? ’
24 And on the bad days , when he did n't have an alley mate , Black Devil .
25 How can the poor woman explain that , probably like the majority of wives , she loved him most of the time , when he did n't snore in her ear all night or shout at the kids or keep her short of Bingo money . "
26 ‘ Why did n't you ring Mrs Gray to find out where Paul had got to when he did n't turn up ? ’
27 But today , when he did n't appear at Horseferry Road Magistrates Court in London , the court was told that he was still unfit .
28 Could n't believe any difference of him from Christmas when he did n't say anything
29 However he does not go so far as to paraphrase by " see that " , as does Palmer .
30 However he did not hold the Soviet Union , a long-time Syrian ally , responsible for the exodus , saying that the relationship between Syria and the Soviet Union was " as firm as ever " , but blaming the United States " for playing a major role in the realization of Israeli desires " .
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