Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [vb -s] [pers pn] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 How on a sudden lost , defaced , deflowered and now to death devote , rather how has thou yielded to transgress the strict forbiddance , how to violate the sacred fruit forbidden .
2 How has it balanced its books with the rest of the world ?
3 How has it affected women 's lives ?
4 To the question ‘ How has it done ? ‘ , the answer must be , ‘ Not all that badly ’ .
5 How has it happened , this overthrow of the apparent will of the electorate to evict the Tories , exhibited by month after month of opinion polls ?
6 How has it happened ?
7 If it is how has it happened and who erm er who 's to blame ?
8 Accountability — how responsive has MDC been to the local authorities and communities in its area and how has it worked with other agencies .
9 How has it changed your lives ? ’
10 How has it changed ?
11 How has she done it ?
12 And how has she done all this ?
13 How has she taken her husband 's death ? ’
14 How has he ruined her ? ’
15 How has he done that ? ’
16 I kept asking myself , how has he done it ?
17 How has he changed ? ’
18 How has he shown that this man , who 's come up from poverty , understands poverty and is prepared to do something about it .
19 Why has she turned down David Pickering ?
20 ‘ Then why has she gone away ?
21 Why has she gone away ?
22 Why has she gone , Mammy ?
23 Why has she done this to us ?
24 We sometimes ask about a person : ‘ Why has she chosen that course of action ?
25 I mean really and truly mum with all these shops that are about , why has she got ta go in that one ?
26 Why has she got ta do it ?
27 ‘ And why has she come to Willi 's party in that dreadful suit ?
28 Why has he sent Duncan 's eldest son north , after he has been kept at court all these years ?
29 No , and I did n't do that until I read someone Niall 's and he had repeated flowers and I thought why has he repeated flowers and realised that in fact that it is necessary .
30 All right , the fellow has his troubles , Joe thought , but why has he involved Maureen in them ?
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