Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [vb base] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , you know , whenever have you ever known someone to get constipated from Chinese , you know , but it always happens at the Indian , always , always !
2 Sorry how d' ya how d' ya mean ?
3 how do they how do they feel ?
4 How do they actually decide in the end what penalty to impose , assuming a person 's found guilty of course ?
5 How do we please the client ?
6 If we ask , how do we best train the next Archbishop of Canterbury , which see is better ?
7 But how do we not give up ?
8 How do we how do we guess that ?
9 So that 's what privatization is about and how do we stop the privatization how do we really represent the members by attacking the legislation that prevents us from acting in a spontaneous manner , which will assist our members in their hour of need .
10 When we 've prepared how do we then effectively present .
11 How do we currently balance our managerial effort between ( a ) steady state , and ( b ) development work ?
12 And how do we actually use this in marketing .
13 But how do we actually learn ?
14 So how do we actually go about measuring this thing called salinity ?
15 How do we actually manage to deal with them , some of the ways that we can actually do that .
16 Instead of asking ‘ How do we ever unlearn our native egoism ? ’ we must ask ‘ How near to a true philosophical egoism do we ever succeed in getting ? ’
17 How do you not know ?
18 But how do you be really , how do you not scare yourselves from going out ? gon na return to your homes and that everything 's going to be left as it was ?
19 All able-bodied people go on about how horrible the changing-room experience is — how awful because my bra is dirty , or I 'm too fat or too thin — but disabled girls : how do you even begin to assess your own emotions on entering a changing room with young able-bodied women , most of them slim but all saying , ‘ Oh , I 've got a horrible body ’ , when you 're in a wheelchair , just wanting to try on a pair of trousers ?
20 How do you individually view other road users ?
21 So how do you just I mean rather than do it in your head , especially in an exam , just what you 're going to do , put the Add X to both sides say .
22 I know , but I mean , how do you just draw flat land ?
23 Ho how do you well you really sees , seem to have been quite erm , well , was it her approach do you think ?
24 How do you normally respond to conflict situations such as differences of opinions , or when your goals clash with another ?
25 When the notion of Competences was first put to business , the main objection was not just how do you really assess ‘ honesty and relationships ’ but what about the knowledge and understanding to put such capabilities into practice .
26 But how do you actually bring up tears ?
27 But of course to some degree you 've got to decide what you mean by break even in the sense that er how do you actually I mean that
28 In things like cold and How do you actually measure that .
29 I mean how do you actually feel at the moment ?
30 How do you actually make a lens ?
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