Example sentences of "[indef pn] so much as " in BNC.

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1 Even the bars and foyers are reminiscent of nothing so much as an airport lounge , an impression reinforced by the tannoy announcements of five , three and one minute calls for Casablanca .
2 But seen from within , they appear to be like nothing so much as a mirror-image of the Elizabethan world picture : a little world , tightly organised into its own ranks and with its own rules , as rigid in its own way as the most elaborate protocol at court or ritual in church .
3 Making all due allowance for the return of historical tragedy as farce , watching this soporific monolith of the virtuous rise out of the debris of a liberating movement is akin to nothing so much as witnessing Bureaucracy emerge from the ashes of Revolution .
4 From the moment he modelled himself on Mussolini , he resembled nothing so much as an actor touring the provinces in a play which someone else had made a success of in London .
5 The system would resemble nothing so much as the ‘ democratic centralism ’ much beloved of Leninist and Maoist governments .
6 There are several more groups of odd echinoderms in the Lower Palaeozoic rocks — some of them only recently discovered , like the bizarre helicoplacoids , which look like nothing so much as spinning tops ( see p. 84 ) .
7 It has long been held to look like a cello , but the elliptical window above the door looks like a beak to me , so that with the round windows above the upper façade looks nothing so much as a chick wearing a Napoleonic hat .
8 To Robyn 's eye it resembled nothing so much as a medieval painting of hell — though it was hard to say whether the workers looked more like devils or the damned .
9 The last time I had seen ‘ Reading ’ in Cammell Laird 's yard , on a fleeting autumn visit , she had resembled nothing so much as a squashed Nestle 's milk tin .
10 True , there are the remarkable exceptions : Burt 's quarter century escapade in wholesale duplicity is a real shocker — though it may prove nothing so much as that psychology , or at least intelligence testing , has no claim to scientific respectability .
11 He enjoyed nothing so much as sensual pleasures , and drank and womanised to excess .
12 In another , she was a small speck overwhelmed by a vast and writhing darkness that reminded her of nothing so much as pictures she had seen on the cover of Tcherkassoff 's album Black Holes , and Other Singularities .
13 In these first few years of NME , the paper 's style recalls nothing so much as a Pathé newsreel crossed with Harry Enfield 's Mr Cholmondoley-Warner character ; stuffy , uncontentious and groaning under the weight of its own deference to the celebrities .
14 Astonishing is a bureau-bookcase of the 1760s , by which time the cool winds of classicism had tamed Piffetti 's rococo ardour , where the marquetry resembles nothing so much as a stylish product of Parisian 1930s Art-Deco .
15 Passing swiftly over the visual arts bit — a series of paintings of living artists by Zsuzsi Roboz suggestive of nothing so much as chalk drawings on the pavements of Charing Cross Road — Mr Roosen is also offering ‘ complementary and holistic programmes for use in the private and corporate sectors worldwide ’ .
16 This increasingly comes to resemble nothing so much as Sartre 's own account of History .
17 Thus he is able to treat the woman as infinitely desirous of sex , as wanting nothing so much as to satisfy his desires .
18 The entire organisation , with its membership of eccentric senior officers and local groups of para-military ladies on the look-out for the Red Menace , seems like nothing so much as raw material for a comic novel of post-war manners .
19 President Bush has yet to be convinced that ‘ going green ’ will translate into real votes come the presidential election later in the year , and his advisers ( who enjoy nothing so much as bashing a few Greens on the media before breakfast ) have sown so many doubts in his mind about ‘ the lack of scientific evidence ’ that global warming is not seen to be one of the challenges he now faces — despite the fact that his country is responsible for nearly 30 per cent of all emissions of carbon dioxide , the main greenhouse gas .
20 The two basic amino-terminal α-helices sit in the major groove so that they are perpendicular to one another on opposite sides of the DNA duplex ; they resemble nothing so much as a pair of short chopsticks .
21 Todd had n't spoken in over a minute , but there was a harshness on the line that Ellwood knew to be his breathing , and a thin , reedy , barely audible sound behind that , which resembled nothing so much as a cry that had been buried alive .
22 There was a dining-room , which he said he never used , on the north side of the house , and another room which resembled nothing so much as a second-hand bookshop ; a chaos of books — shelves of books , stacks of books , piles of magazines and newspapers , and one large and evidently newly arrived parcel that lay unopened on a desk by the window .
23 The grey ovoid , some distance away , expanded and contracted in a movement which reminded Ace of nothing so much as chewing , although there was no way that she could see whereby the fruit could have been transmitted from one part of Legion to another .
24 Nor was Vivien Saunders , who recently won her second British Coach of the Year award , being wise after the event when she talked of how , in her teaching , she emphasises nothing so much as that a youngster should attack the hole .
25 Even so , I was looking forward to nothing so much as a long hot soak in the bath .
26 But when she quickly added a white lace fichu and a long , lacy shawl , the effect reminded her of nothing so much as the icing on her daughter 's wedding cake .
27 He spoke of nothing so much as his guilt at having depended only upon his own staff for security .
28 The act was performed with particular virtuosity when Mrs Crumwallis dosed them all with castor oil , an old-fashioned cure-all in which she had a fiendish trust : then the boys ' performance resembled nothing so much as an acted-out illustration for Nicholas Nickleby .
29 She closed her eyes theatrically , and resembled nothing so much as a reigning prima donna who is being pestered by her producer to act .
30 After a buffet rijstafel of gargantuan proportions-thirty dishes concluded with a chewy sweet much beloved of the malais which resembled nothing so much as toenail pie — the Colonel served Tia Maria which he and his wife thought the last word in cosmopolitan sophistication .
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