Example sentences of "[indef pn] can [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Nobody can tell that I 'm Irish .
2 Nobody can suggest that you can by any arithmetical calculation establish what is the exact sum of money which would represent such a thing as the pain and suffering which a person has undergone by reason of an accident …
3 All students who graduate from the Buckinghamshire College from 1993 onwards will receive Brunel University degrees — nobody can deny that this is n't going to look good on the CV !
4 But nobody can argue that boxers should not be given the fullest possible information on the long-term risks they run .
5 If that nice middle-class boy , Muhammad Ali , is truly The Greatest , then nobody can argue that social deprivation is a necessity for ring greatness .
6 Whether you comply with their claims to being the sole centre of musical importance or not , nobody can say that The Smiths have n't , so far , fulfilled their promise .
7 Nobody can say that he or she has " recovered " from addictive disease .
8 Nobody can say that depressions were something peculiar to the 1930s .
9 Nobody can say that by the year 2000 there will be five pits , 14 pits — or any number of pits .
10 Nobody can doubt that the Massaliotes explored seas and coasts .
11 We disappear into the darkness , where nobody can see that we 're not rolling around the floor in paroxysms of ecstasy .
12 One can assume that all the nationalists preferred O'Neill but even eighty-four per cent of those who called themselves unionists were opposed to Paisley .
13 But as we know that MI5 taps telephones and keeps files on people simply to pass on political information to the government , one can assume that Kinnock 's call to Turnbull is not the only piece of politicised telephone tapping that goes on .
14 Knowing the complications and expense involved in getting together the various unguents required , one can assume that these items had already been accumulated by those to whom the task of embalming the royal remains had been devolved .
15 One can assume that the leaders of the Revolt were eliminated , removing the upper levels of tribal society , and also that the lands and possessions of the tribes would have been seized by the state to be retained as agerpublicus , sold off to speculators or given as rewards to loyalists .
16 One is that it is doubtful in the extreme whether one can assume that the legislature always intended the tribunal to be the arbiter as to what the contents of the bracket ought to be .
17 Hence one can expect that it is prone to the canyon problem .
18 It is not yet known what form this report will take but one can presume that a national format will be designed eventually .
19 Here is a testable prediction , all the more interesting for the fact that for appropriately chosen orientations of the axes unc one can show that quantum mechanics leads to a violation of the Bell inequality .
20 By various tricks which save us from the full load of naive combinatorics , one can show that the student 's original result ( 61 with red eyes , 23 with white ) gives Mendel 's explanation a backing of nearly 100% ; so the professor was right .
21 In the case of a universe that is approximately uniform in space , one can show that this negative gravitational energy exactly cancels the positive energy represented by the matter .
22 One can show that this increase in disorder is always greater than the increase in the order of the memory itself .
23 And one can show that it has a discrete inhibitor specificity compared with the inositol trisphosphate gated calcium channel in that this one is specifically inhibited by a plant alkaloid known as rhinadin .
24 From this one can infer that it belongs chronologically to that transition period in Spanish ceramics when the displaced potters of Malaga had set up afresh in Valencia but were still using the traditional designs of Andalusia in their new environment .
25 For instance , if the network connects the node ‘ student ’ to the node ‘ person ’ with the link ‘ is a ’ , then one can infer that the properties of ‘ student ’ are inherited from those of ‘ person ’ .
26 Scientifically , one can observe that the concepts of a geocentric universe and a flat Earth are fallacious , though there are still those who would disagree .
27 In Example 10 the high G is produced only in bar 29 ( notice also the strongly emotive leaps around the climax point ) : As a very general rule , one can observe that composers keep back climax points to the later part of melodic sentences and towards the end of complete themes .
28 He commented : ‘ While one can observe that a breast is nothing but a modified sweat gland and , indeed , a secondary sexual characteristic , can it truly be heard that breasts are anything but intimately associated with sex or things sexual . ’
29 But they are not better pattern selective elements , so I think one can conclude that the orientational selectivity of cortical neurons is not what makes it the organ of civilisation .
30 As a result of Johnson Matthey 's unique involvement in international standards and its recent success in achieving NAMAS accreditation , I think one can conclude that : When you weight it up Johnson Matthey have the Know How .
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