Example sentences of "it to show " in BNC.

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1 He thought that he might do you harm if he allowed it to show . ’
2 This last point is politically most important for Engels since he uses it to show how the development of the State implies the destruction of the egalitarian and communally-based gens : a proof of the Marxist view of the State as fundamentally a class institution , a view first developed in The German Ideology .
3 ‘ I have here a petition and I want you all to sign it to show those men in power that the women and children of this country think that slavery is wicked and wrong ! ’
4 Surely she would have worn it to show off to her relatives .
5 They also expected it to show a particular type of magnetic behaviour called paramagnetism because of its isolated electrons — and again , it does .
6 We want it to show it is interested in addressing that . ’
7 Germany 's higher level of economic development allowed it to show a cultured and sophisticated face in the west .
8 If there is a space headed ‘ spare-time activities ’ or ‘ other information ’ , use it to show yourself in a positive light .
9 For example we can use it to show that it is possible to pivot from any primal feasible tableau ( T1 ) corresponding to a set of constraints to any other primal feasible tableau ( T2 ) for these constraints , maintaining primal feasibility .
10 I wait to see how long you can control your imbecile temptation to violate my copyrights on this letter and once again untruthfully take words and phrases from it to show your ‘ powers ’ to match those boasted by your kind in the NF and the BNP , whose performances are different from yours only in that instead of using your limbs to physically assault us like they would , you have acted by wearing the ‘ civilised ’ guise of being the ‘ editor ’ of the ‘ left ’ NewSS , and have written to assail my integrity , my capacity to think , my freedom to defend and speak for my constitutionally organised members at the Stratford school .
11 The company had expected it to show a quantifiable benefit by reducing absenteeism and labour turnover , and by easing the production control difficulties caused by the inflexibilities of the line system .
12 As Frisby points out ( Frisby 1983 : 94 ) , Lukács is taking Marx 's concept of ‘ commodity , which describes how social and economic relations are frozen in the material products of capitalism , and extending it to show how by treating social relations as things , their social and economic character is obscured .
13 ‘ They do it to show they are important , which is pathetic , ’ says Barry .
14 This is a way of showing what an owl 's pellet looks like when it comes out of the bird , and then ‘ dissecting ’ it to show the various bones and other indigestible bits and pieces that pass through the owl 's system .
15 So late in the second set , she walked across the scoreboard and changed it to show the match going in her favour .
16 How easy is it to show concern for school work when a beloved father takes you to school in the morning and kills himself by midday ?
17 I take communion too often , Anna thought , I take it to show the flag , Peter 's flag , and I never think what I am doing .
18 ‘ That I 'm doing it to show off .
19 Perhaps only William Joyce could have taken for his text , as he once did , Edmund Burke 's axiom , ‘ In politics magnanimity is often the truest wisdom ’ — and promptly used it to show the necessity for the extinction of Jewry .
20 example does not involve a natural monopoly , yet those authors are able to generalize it to show that certain average cost price vectors are sustainable .
21 You draw it to show that it has a mirror image so what you find in practice is that it and it 's mirror image are not superimposable .
22 Sometimes you feel that he must be doing it to show that he can .
23 Indicates the left hand , ROS opened it to show it empty . )
24 ROS opens it to show a coin .
25 ROS opens it to show a coin .
26 He 'd been thinking about her , but he did n't want it to show .
27 I was waiting for it to show up an confront us .
28 Most of them do n't show it but you can set it to show it .
29 I would n't buy anything unless it had the British Standard kitemark on it to show it was safety approved , and I also went for reputable makes , taking cost into consideration , too , of course .
30 It is clear from our analysis in the previous section that we do not expect the strange invariant set produced at r 13.926 to be stable and we do not expect it to show up in numerical simulations ; the behaviour described in ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) above ( r } 13.926 ) can not be predicted from the purely local analysis .
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