Example sentences of "it necessary " in BNC.

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1 If he finds it necessary to copy , to study the work of other painters , or any way to seek for help out of himself , he may be sure that he has received nothing of that inspiration .
2 As will be seen in the next chapter , when the republican wing under de Valera took over as the Fianna Fáil party in the 1930s , constitutional law was restructured , according to both a reformed republican ideology and current Roman social teaching , and in those areas where the high clergy thought it necessary .
3 If a man of such convictions felt it necessary to follow this course , how much more would have his religiously devoted colleagues .
4 Those who embark on this deeper , marketing-centred analysis find it necessary to separate this process from the regular tactical use of the database for sales mailings .
5 Formal complaints will be lodged with the Food Minister where we deem it necessary . ’
6 Watching the cuisinières during the early stages , there was no obvious clue as to why anyone should find it necessary to draw a theoretical distinction between male and female chefs .
7 With the Cogelow tools , I found it necessary to grind new bevels completely for these tools to be useful for intricate ornament .
8 If the death is then considered to be from natural causes , the coroner will issue a notification that he does not consider it necessary to hold an inquest , and this may be given to the relative to take to the registrar or sent to the registrar direct .
9 Nor is it necessary always to keep the arms rounded except in arabesque .
10 Brombach confesses he gulped when he found it necessary in 1983 to invest 45 million marks to make a quantum leap to a capacity of a million hectolitres , at a new brewery on the edge of town .
11 He does n't find it necessary to ‘ dry hop ’ the beer — that is adding hops to each finished cask .
12 Is it necessary to use half a page to illustrate a light walking boot or a full page for a very small drawing of a three-print sit-bag ?
13 In Britain , the tight financial regime imposed on local councils and the reluctance of central government to take on any new expenditure makes it necessary to seek funds from the private sector .
14 Why , in short , was it necessary to criminalise and terrorise our entire community ?
15 Why , we enquired of Wilkinson , had his team found it necessary to pass the ball back so often — even from the half-way line ?
16 There will be no conclusions today because , says chairman Brian Walsh , ‘ the committee felt it necessary to find time for a full discussion on cricket outside of the agenda planned for the next scheduled meeting on 26 October . ’
17 He did not apparently find it necessary to explain the reasons for this sexist-sounding conclusion .
18 Usually there are a number of these which makes it necessary for the accountant to visit the record or publishing company .
19 However , it necessary , his argument can easily be traced back to Freud .
20 Why , then , is it necessary to depict Keynes as shifting , after 1931 , from politics or policy to theory ?
21 The Football Association did not feel it necessary to charge Southampton and Coventry with bringing the game into disrepute .
22 To maintain public confidence in the ability of the press to regulate itself , the Press Council believes it necessary for proprietors or publishers ‘ to give a positive commitment to uphold the principles stated in the council 's declarations of principle and in the code of practice ’ .
23 That is no doubt perfectly all right , but it makes you wonder why King Charles ever found it necessary to burst into the Commons with his soldiers , in search of the five rebel members .
24 ‘ As a rule of thumb , we have not found it necessary .
25 CAN YOU tell me why you found it necessary to print such an offensive cartoon ( Lagerland , page 40 ) ?
26 ‘ It was basically the novel that made it necessary for me to look into the Bible .
27 I 've never spoken to her myself but I know Angela had found it necessary to get her solicitor to write . ’
28 But if the reformers are in the ascendant , why did their fragile 86-year-old leader , Deng Xiaoping , find it necessary to make an appearance on December 26th at a local election ?
29 From 1675 to 1679 Locke travelled and studied in France ; and from 1683 to 1689 he was in exile in Holland , his political views and associations having made it necessary for him to flee England .
30 The Treatises supported such arguments , and it was his having , and being suspected by the government of having , such seditious views that made it necessary for Locke to flee to Holland in 1683 .
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