Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] [vb -s] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Look and see 'ow they stands out against t'brown o' t'earth .
2 Child has a tantrum whenever she does not get her own way .
3 All they have to do is keep the mothers out of the way whenever she shows up and to psych the kids into thinking Caduta 's some kind of superwomb .
4 yeah , so Ivan said to me , he said er he said well I do I suppose you have noticed he said but whenever she comes down here he said the whole line stops I said I quite agree I said well let's be honest about it if he 's knocking out the meat he , it 's got ta stop cos he stops
5 But whenever something does not fit his " spirit of Greek art " , he has a notion — and for eighteenth-century aesthetics it is a disturbingly new notion — of development to fall back on .
6 As you recall that successful scene , whenever something comes up that you enjoyed jot it down on the sheet entitled ‘ I would like more of this ! ’
7 So now , whenever he plays well , it will be nothing to do with Leeds … just Dalglish/Blackburn .
8 William Jennings Bryan , the Democrats ' unsuccessful presidential candidate , replied : ‘ Whenever he does n't like it , he can give it back . ’
9 The pater pays for holidays and he 's about to buy her a car , though she can borrow the family car and chauffeur whenever he does n't want them .
10 The baby who is picked up or fed whenever he cries soon becomes a veritable tyrant , and gives his mother no peace when awake ; while , on the other hand , the infant who is fed regularly , put to sleep , and played with at definite times soon finds that appeals bring no response , and so learns that most useful of all lessons , self-control , and the recognition of an authority other than his own wishes .
11 It was a mark of the esteem in which John Burridge was held at Selhurst Park , both as a goalkeeper and as a showman , that whenever he has subsequently returned here with his later clubs he has invariably been accorded a warm welcome , both from Palace fans and from his former playing colleagues .
12 He is threatening to fine him whenever he steps out of line .
13 But whenever he looks up — or puts down his book , you 're there , are n't you ? ’
14 It is like a man who sows round his garden flowers and aromatic herbs ; whenever he looks out , he sees flowers and aromatic herbs and is always in paradise .
15 I am loathe to take it back to SMAC where I bought it new , as they seem to do more harm than good whenever it goes back there .
16 Now , thanks to an excellent new book called Massage for Total Relaxation , by Nitya Lacroix ( Dorling Kindersley , £9.99 , published on April 25 ) all of us can learn to massage the stress away whenever it builds up .
17 That 's what it basically is , and whenever it gets too slick or too planned , we stop , in complete mid-stream if necessary , and just go back to being more primitive .
18 Some couples make a habit of talking through whatever is bothering either of them whenever it crops up .
19 it can be read whenever it does n't have to be read as soon as it 's rel received .
20 The problem which arose over finding the right dress for Miss Humby 's appearance has been amply described in Ada McGeer 's book of personal memoirs which she has entitled ‘ Oh Call Back Yesterday , Bid Time Return ’ , wherein she describes fully her frantic but successful efforts to secure Miss Humby 's dress from a Vancouver shop .
21 No member of the committee , his representative or associate of them nor any person who was a member of the committee in the last twelve months must enter into any transaction whereby he receives out of the estate any payment for services given or goods supplied in connection with the administration or obtains any profit from the administration or acquires any asset forming part of the estate ( r 6.165(2) ) except with leave of the court , with prior sanction of the committee where full value for the transaction is given and in cases of urgency or by way of performance of a contract in existence at the date of the bankruptcy order where leave of the court is sought subsequently without delay ( r 6.165(3) ) .
22 Currently , by virtue of being on the rota of solicitors , the advocate has undergone self-evaluation whereby he indicates publicly that he is competent to deal with criminal matters .
23 See how she goes on .
24 I 'll just have to see how she grows up .
25 Ca n't think how she puts up with him . ’
26 I 've never seen , there 's only one captain in my class but I do n't know how she acts out outside school .
27 This course is trying to put science and engineering together , and at the same time tackle a broad field of energy which spreads through industry into the home , into transport , and to see how everything goes together — science , engineering , economics , social and human questions — they all come in .
28 How everything works out , the parking charge
29 If insufficient attention has been devoted to the design of this and also the related access procedures the symptoms are a plethora of documentation which no individual entirely understands , the temptation to do it again rather than waste time finding out how something has already been done and too much reliance on the human memory .
30 One could equally argue that imperative , strenuous movements are rarely dreamed — one tends to be an observer , paying little attention to how one gets about .
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