Example sentences of "[indef pn] who [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 All I knew about him was that he was someone who belonged to Jean-Claude 's past , and that Jean-Claude was indebted to him .
2 The ugly , unwanted question appeared in her mind : did she really want to live with someone who lied to her ?
3 I have the same new-worldliness of someone who emerges to sunlight after a long illness in a darkened room .
4 About being a surname of someone who went to my junior school .
5 The revival of psychoanalytic criticism , usually in its Lacanian version , has been a disconcerting surprise to someone who came to intellectual maturity in the 1950s , when Freud seemed a figure of increasing remoteness .
6 There 's times I want to talk to someone who belongs to me .
7 I just wish my mum was here , someone who belongs to me .
8 They convey to someone who belongs to the same culture a lot of information about the person who is wearing or carrying them .
9 ‘ I know someone who goes to it , ’ said Owen .
10 The answer , ask someone who had to be a true native .
11 Surely , a full life even for someone who lived to the advance age of 92 .
12 A new face is a new focus of interest , whether it 's someone the client already knows or someone who comes to the Home on a Friday to do movement or dance , drama , music therapy or a slide show .
13 One day in September , Flora 's doctor received a call from someone who claimed to be from the Family Health Services Authority , asking for details from his files , suspicious , he gave nothing away .
14 you ca n't introduce yourself to someone who appeals to you
15 You know perfectly well that under the present system someone who sticks to his principles and speaks out against injustice is n't going to get a job or a council flat .
16 For someone who claims to be insecure about his appearance , he seems pretty well informed on the subject of fashion .
17 If you find someone who claims to be a qualified hypnotherapist and who uses this technique , I would advise you to keep looking .
18 It 's wrong for us to steal from someone who seems to be richer than we are just as it 's wrong for someone to steal from us if they think their need is greater than ours .
19 If you are unlucky enough to find yourself living with someone who seems to you to be an ‘ impossible ’ mother-in-law , it does no harm first to take a good look at yourself and your handling of her , just in case you happen to be one of the original ‘ impossible ’ daughters-in-law !
20 He was shrewd enough to appreciate that here was someone who needed to be coaxed , not coerced .
21 I 'm your wife , I 'm a responsibility , I 'm someone who has to be dumped somewhere safe , like a child who ca n't look after herself .
22 The first is the role of women as housewives and mothers and the devaluation of domestic work , how this creates a self-image of being someone who has to be provided for .
23 Someone who flew to Britain , so they were over here at the time of the Sandra Riverton crime . ’
24 Although I was still ‘ tiny ’ ( a word used by one of them at the time ) by any normal standards , when I looked in the mirror , I saw someone who appeared to me to be ‘ gross ’ — a favourite word with anorexics , as Minuchin shows .
25 The trustee or personal representative may , inter alia , deal in the securities to which that information relates if his trades are based on the advice of someone who appeared to him to be an appropriate person for whom to seek such advice and who did not seem to him to be prohibited by ss.1 , 2 , 4 , or 5 from dealing .
26 ‘ It was of somebody who seemed to be in distress , ’ he said .
27 Some of the combinations seem to go together automatically — e.g. the apprentice will be low status , somebody who needs to be taught — but often it 's useful to think beyond the obvious .
28 She 's somebody who comes to the door and tries to sell you some make-up and perfume and toys and things .
29 Christians need to remember the words recorded of Jesus : " Not everyone who says to me on that day , Lord , Lord , shall enter the Kingdom but those who do the will of the Father " ( Matthew 7:21 ) .
30 And the Exel Ladies Leisure section thank everyone who responded to a Bosnia appeal by helping to fill nine boxes at collection points in Dyce with toiletries , clothing and toys , which were transported to Bosnia by the charity Edinburgh Direct Aid .
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