Example sentences of "[indef pn] who come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As someone who came through the state school system and benefited from the investment that previous taxpayers spent on our schools , I believe that it is vital that today 's children and their parents get value for money from the present state school system .
2 The revival of psychoanalytic criticism , usually in its Lacanian version , has been a disconcerting surprise to someone who came to intellectual maturity in the 1950s , when Freud seemed a figure of increasing remoteness .
3 If I could not believe in the sovereignty of God when it was my son lying there how could I tell someone who came for counselling , suffering the whims of a very insensitive partner , ‘ You continue to honour God in this situation .
4 In extreme cases , the same description was applied to someone who came from a distant village .
5 As someone who came from a happy , steady home , she might be able to offer help in some small way to some of these disadvantaged youngsters , a few of whom hardly know what it is to be loved at all .
6 At Hamilton Terrace Minton may have been relieved , after the turmoil of Bedford Gardens , to find himself sharing with someone who came from a similar background .
7 A new face is a new focus of interest , whether it 's someone the client already knows or someone who comes to the Home on a Friday to do movement or dance , drama , music therapy or a slide show .
8 If you come from a certain town or region , you will know what the different voices mean better than someone who comes from outside because you 've learned the code .
9 She is interested in accents and she 'll listen to it and think , Ah that 's someone who comes from Liverpool , er not a very not a very scouse accent but because they say
10 Erm it was actually somebody who came for an interview and you know how you sit in on the presentations when you do the group presentations ?
11 She 's somebody who comes to the door and tries to sell you some make-up and perfume and toys and things .
12 Then I arranged a wake and everyone who came to the wake contributed .
13 The belief they held was that the resort was a ‘ dream city ’ in that everyone who came on holiday there had the wish to live there permanently .
14 Uncle Dickie , as he was known to the whole family , was a dynamic , tyrannical figure , full of energy , drive and ambition , who aroused strong passions in everyone who came into contact with him .
15 Everyone who came into contact with her felt better for knowing her .
16 Everyone who came near the church would see it and realize how wicked he had been .
17 This not only helps to channel your efforts into the most effective areas , but also ensures that everyone who comes into contact with the media knows what their organisation is trying to achieve .
18 Duping everyone who comes to their absent master 's door , Jonathan Hyde and David Bradley ( as Face and Subtle ) act wonderfully as partners in crime abetted by Joanne Pearce as Doll Common , their tarty sidekick .
19 And it 's not everyone who comes to a meeting who wants to see you win .
20 Everyone who comes in here has to sign .
21 And from that centre of chivalry , the Burgundian court , came the nobleman Jacques de Lalain in 1448 , to challenge James , brother of William earl of Douglas , ‘ neither for hatred nor envy nor any evil wish whatsoever , but to do the greatest honour in his power to one who came of such high descent , and was besides of such great renown and courage , that he desired his acquaintance more than that of any lord in the said kingdom of Scotland ’ .
22 The one who came across that body in Benbury Woods a year or so ago ?
23 No the men that was work oh the men that was just there was oh Those names was the one who came for the shooting season .
24 From — Thank you to every one who came to the rock 'n' roll evening at the end of October .
25 ‘ I was asking Hafiz , ’ said Zeinab , ‘ if Hargazy was the one who came to the office . ’
26 I told your chap , the one who came after me up home , 'bout nine that 'd be .
27 erm five six , this is the one who came by water .
28 Each one who comes to Britain would almost certainly die if left in his own country .
29 A representative applicant is one who comes to court not to protect his , her or its own interests but to represent the interests of other parties not before the court .
30 No woman on this earth has any right to be proud , least of all one who comes to her husband with three brats in tow .
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