Example sentences of "it hard " in BNC.

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1 You can also find it hard to remember things , because germs are multiplying in your brain .
2 But it is a self which readers of the book can only rarely have found it hard to experience .
3 No one would lightly believe that either of them has ever found it hard to tell the difference between himself and somebody else .
4 I know it 's silly but I find it hard to take them seriously and really concentrate and not be distracted by the local cat cleaning himself on a window ledge or some such thing .
5 Philosophical reflexivity is not high on the agenda and in an organization which makes much of the concept of loyalty but really means subservience , the insider can find it hard to bite the hand that feeds and reveal any unhealthy aspect in the agenda .
6 Since Dionne 's serious no to a casual affair , Jay had found it hard to talk to her .
7 Everyone filed out , pushing a little , finding it hard to maintain their Sunday solemnity .
8 No — the government will find it hard to sustain that again , when there has been no army in the field against them — no pitched battles — no weapons , even .
9 ‘ I find it hard to know what to say to people , ’ Colin said straightaway .
10 Olive was n't going to admit it but she was finding it hard to identify with the Moroccans .
11 I find it hard to accept .
12 Even as a good Fascist Ezra found it hard to swallow the persecution of the Jews .
13 Walter Swinburn finds it hard to believe Zilzal will ever be beaten and the son of Nureyev will attempt to extend his sequence to six out of six in next month 's Breeders ' Cup Mile in Florida .
14 But , the odd unscripted upset aside , the chairmen and chairwomen find it hard to keep up with torrential voting in favour of the leadership line .
15 Mr Buchan is also a conoisseur of socialist folk-singing : he made it clear that he would find it hard to set the policy review to traditional music : ‘ I am a primeval socialist . ’
16 He finds it hard to communicate with people , not least his separated parents .
17 I find it hard to think of any more splendid compensation than conferment of the power to transfer a very large sum of money from a newspaper which I dislike and despise to an organisation or institution which I love and admire .
18 Once involved in prostitution , they often find it hard to give up .
19 Those who have campaigned on behalf of Wallenberg find it hard to believe that , in a bureaucratic system like the Soviet Union 's , a file on the missing Swede is not somewhere .
20 LWT , whose market share is under attack , may find it hard to maintain the 40 per cent return on capital that would make its share incentive scheme worthwhile to the managers .
21 I took a bus there , but found it hard to tell what the place might have been like .
22 The new Conservative leader Mrs Thatcher , was finding it hard to assert herself , especially with a Shadow Cabinet consisting largely of followers of the defeated Edward Heath .
23 He dreaded his own Bible class and found it hard to keep teenagers in order .
24 But for a while we found it hard .
25 Steve was doing OK but he was finding it hard to play guitar at the same time as singing .
26 But they should draw comfort from the knowledge that the economists involved often found it hard to understand one another .
27 Nearly twenty years later Phoebe still found it hard to suppress a little vindictive chuckle at the looks of growing shock on Jim 's face -Jim and Lisa 's Jonathan and Sue 's Alan — when they discovered that their righteousness was not enough .
28 She found it hard to remember with any precision exactly what had happened next .
29 I also think it 's a question of being able to provide , certainly at the top of a company , a sense of direction and I find it hard to see how you can have an absolutely clear sense of direction unless you yourself are able to assess the essentials as you see them for success in your particular trade .
30 She finds it hard to explain why , but ponders that it may have something to do with the religious faith she grew up with .
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