Example sentences of "[indef pn] [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No-one seeing her on the move , rushing headlong through drear fuming tunnels , would really note the missing arms and absent tail , the sealed face , the scarlet sash .
2 If it is n't then you 've got ta make a choice of whether you want to be private or whether you want to run the risk of someone using it as cover .
3 He looked at Bernard , frowned , then glanced round sharply when he heard someone calling him from the end of the counter .
4 You never knew these days when a casual remark was going to provide the justification for someone stalking you with an automatic rifle .
5 The only danger to me is someone hearing us in here , getting alarmed , calling the police , maybe .
6 This will vary greatly between someone reading a novel on a train and someone reading it as part of the study for a PhD thesis .
7 Now he remembered someone telling him about this place .
8 Usually it was someone congratulating us on having won a free dancing lesson or test drive ; but there were quite a few grumpy wrong numbers , which made us feel at home .
9 I 've had someone trailing you since that meeting at the meat warehouse .
10 She moved into North Yorkshire a few weeks ago from Mulhous Zoo in France with everyone believing her to be one of only eight Lears Macaws in captivity anywhere .
11 four hundred and thirty quid , he said bloody hell , so what I said to him is , I know you 're gon na need a car , what I 'll do is er , I 'll get to work , I 'll put it , I 'll bring the car , you bring the car in beginning of the month , next month , right , said I wo n't be able to guarantee that I 'll get it done in a week cos I 've got other work booked in , but I 'll have it in here which means I 'll be able to do work to your car , right , and it 's better me being able to do that , then it , it 's sitting out outside your house and nobody touching it for a couple of weeks , now , I might have it for a couple of weeks , see and I 'll be able to do it in my own leisurely time then
12 The fact that they 've chosen to have somebody representing them in objection to the new settlement proposal I think is as strong an indication as you can get that the local people do n't actually support the council on this point .
13 No-one usin' it at the time so that was lucky too . ’
14 This debate has centred on the two views of bureaucracy found in the writings of Marx himself , one presenting it as an instrument by which the dominant class protects its interests , the other as an instrument of power through which the state is able to rise above and regulate class conflict with a measure of autonomy from the dominant class .
15 Then the rope tightened around his body , and he felt something pulling him beneath the surface .
16 It 's trying to slide down the wall , so there must be something pulling it up the wall , frictional force
17 Philippa felt something gripping her in the area just behind her breastbone which sent a message up to the area somewhere above her eyes which were growing tired with concentration .
18 The social significance of this ( and one linking it to the theorists we have discussed earlier ) lay in the fact that large numbers of individuals , uprooted from their established communities and families were adapting to one another and to the existing Chicago population .
19 ‘ Do n't you think they 'll think it funny that you 're the one taking me to his home , and not Travis ? ’
20 ‘ Yes , but when he gave those orders , he did n't know what we know — about something stopping you from going in .
21 The one awaiting her at the château was far more public , and that was the one she had to face head-on .
22 There 's no one watching me at all .
23 The trainer then has to decide whether the horse is being rather stubborn and refuses to work because he does not want to or because there is something preventing him from relaxing and settling down .
24 Well you see , what Freud had to explain here was how he could have had such a long dream when the dreamer reported that he woke up more or less instantly from the stimulus of something hitting him on the back of the neck .
25 Kerry Brown , of Garallan Square , Pennyburn , Kilwinning , was sitting with her family watching television when two large stones were thrown through the window , one hitting her on the head .
26 Busacher indulging him , letting him do as he wished as usual … everyone treating him as the saviour of Hochhauser .
27 ‘ As long as nothing offensive is being said during Eircell mobile phone conversations , we have no power to stop anybody using them for any purpose , however peculiar . ’
28 but I do n't want anybody accusing me of er
29 And secondly , we want you to stop anybody boarding her under pretext of rescue — or salvage . ’
30 A spokesman from the Department said : ‘ There is nothing stopping us from asking for a total ban .
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