Example sentences of "[indef pn] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The military blocked everyone in on campus and the police announced that they could shoot you without asking questions .
2 Mark uses the story to introduce the fact that the message of the Gospel is not only for the Jews but is for everyone regardless of race .
3 Dinghy sailing has something to offer everyone regardless of age , fitness or depth of pocket
4 ‘ Not much of a rest for them in here , ’ I remarked , as a mortar bomb burst close by in the orchard , causing the barn to shake a load of debris from the rafters , covering everyone below in pigeon and probably hen shit .
5 However , I had nothing better on board and could not ignore his summons .
6 When I 'd checked the pin positions in the morning I 'd decided that it was going to be someone already under par who would be in a position to win next day as opposed to someone coming through the field , because I just could n't see anybody scoring well .
7 Someone just like Daddy
8 As far as I 'm concerned , the residents come first ; and I expect every member of staff to understand that , right through from helping them get up in the morning to taking someone off to bingo if she wants to go .
9 Seeking the guidance of a sponsor — someone further into recovery in the same Fellowship and customarily of the same sex — to provide encouragement , challenge and guidance on the journey towards recovery .
10 ‘ But we were all in our twenties , taking it very seriously , and we did n't feel we could take a chance with someone still at school .
11 ‘ It 's just … he 's brought someone home for tea . ’
12 ‘ She said she felt like someone out of Dynasty .
13 Sergeant Potter was elderly and looked like someone out of Dad 's Army .
14 Er well , there was the highly immoral thing called overtime , erm if you had too much overtime you was keeping someone out of job .
15 She can set something or someone perfectly in context ; she can see bits of life steadily instead of trying to see it whole , when it is intolerable .
16 Everyone who goes on assignment has a Career Manager , someone back at home base chartered to keep the assignee informed , happy , plugged-in — and to make sure he ( or even she ) comes back to a suitable job .
17 Until I can persuade her to unbind me — or make contact with Mephistco and convince someone back at base to forgive me my trespasses just long enough to do an override — I am confined inside the plane of reflected light .
18 ‘ My men will be here for some time yet , and I 'll leave someone here on duty all night .
19 In a business that was headed by someone virtually at war with his entire family over their moral misdemeanours , this was a wise decision and brought Mr Smith fifty years ' work .
20 For reasons set out in earlier reports and in statements ( IG 16–19 ) concerning her car , abandoned in Exeter station car-park , it is possible , even likely , that she met someone there by arrangement
21 A similar problem may arise when the tenant allows someone else into occupation of part of the demised property , either as a subtenant or by way of licence or franchise agreement .
22 Rain asked when he discovered there was someone else on board .
23 The effect of consent to treatment by the minor or someone else with authority to give it is limited to protecting the medical or dental practitioner from claims for damages for trespass to the person .
24 DURING the 1960s and 70s biologists were apt to remark , assigning the belief to someone else of course , that what is true of the bacterium Escherichia coli is true of the elephant .
25 At some level of expenditure it presumably becomes inequitable for a disabled person to expect public support for the more expensive domiciliary care if this means depriving someone else of care of any sort .
26 One good way of judging a well-planned interview schedule of the formal type is to ask ‘ Could this schedule be handed over to someone else for analysis without them having to go back to the interviewer to ask what certain answers mean ? ’
27 It was her left arm , however , so she was able to write out the application to my dictation , and I got someone else to type it .
28 It may be necessary to chart events and actions to be able to show later that teachers acted promptly and appropriately ; in child abuse particularly , but also in other cases , careful records may be helpful in protecting the child or someone else from harm .
29 your previous home is empty because you have gone to live with someone else in order to receive personal care due to your age , illness or disability .
30 ( iv ) told a lie to someone else in order to protect the addict in your life from getting into even worse trouble .
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