Example sentences of "[indef pn] [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 At this stage there will be a decision to do nothing or pursue the issue .
2 If they turn all their power on Forteviot , we either have to do nothing or cross the river ourselves and give battle .
3 Someone that means the world out there is not such a cold place after all .
4 There is nothing that tells the truth about us , as Christian people , so much as our prayer life .
5 When labour has finished , the world celebrates with gifts of knitted pastels and flowers in ceramic baby booties , nothing that acknowledges the momentous nature of this event : the forging and re-forging or three people .
6 I remember ‘ laying down a fleece ’ that I would not proceed towards the ordained ministry unless the Lord enabled me to lead another to Christ before a certain date : there is nothing that concentrates the mind as such an agreement with God !
7 The fretwork is well up to Valley Arts standard , with nothing that offends the eye or fingers in any way .
8 Given the very real threat of political vetting , many in the community think it is better to say nothing than risk the wrath of government .
9 The occupation did nothing except to fuel the sense of outrage the Italians felt about their treatment at the hands of the older powers .
10 The Turks cautiously did nothing except invite the powers to maintain the Berlin settlement .
11 But so far Sergeant Juron had done nothing except walk the Emperor along , swaying , in their wake .
12 He said the RSSPCC would unconditionally oppose the programme ‘ on the simple principle that this can do nothing except prolong the distress and damage of the children , ’ regardless of the rights or wrongs of the authorities ' handling of the case .
13 What you do , you have your group together , and you have a facilitator , somebody that presents the problem , and you also have somebody that 's going to be the scribe .
14 We wo n't have a class on that 's just somebody that republishes the book .
15 It was ill fact a log hook that he had bought from somebody and changed the name .
16 The undergraduates of Magdalene used to say about their Master that he spent the morning doing nothing and spent the afternoon writing about what he had done in the morning .
17 Nedim boasts that he is afraid of nothing and says the Serb fighters who call themselves
18 An individual might build a local paper from nothing and retain the ownership intact .
19 But there was always them as just wanted to come and do nothing and pick the money up and that 's what they had to sort out the firms .
20 Particularly when good applicants are in short supply advertisements placed in Teachers ' Centres and nearby colleges , faculties and institutes of education cost nothing and improve the trawl .
21 Afterwards she repented it bitterly , but she was hopeless at apologizing : instead of retracting her feelings , what she always did was to say that she was sorry for expressing them , a kind of amends that costs nothing and carries the built-in rebuke that the other person is unable to bear the truth .
22 YOU long to shower gifts on everyone and hate the thought of being called a Scrooge .
23 Hothersall welcomed everyone and opened the Rally with the U.C.M. prayers for vocations .
24 No one was allowed to pass without a contribution : he knew everyone and covered the clubs , the pubs , the chip shops , the football ground .
25 It was for nothing but to counter the parallel sky , and I found it mystical in its impracticality .
26 If I want nothing but to prepare the best Chinese meal I can manage then I should just follow John 's instructions .
27 She decided to do nothing but to throw the ill-gotten soap and bath cube into the sea when she was quite alone .
28 And now comes the Armonk bombshell : it is committed to IBM 's RS/6000 and PowerPC at a time when everything that bears the IBM name has overnight become tainted .
29 Everything that made the album interesting and enjoyable ( quirky samples , ambience , humour , diversity ) has disappeared into the ether , replaced by mind-crushingly tedious , minimalist techno and weedy industrial wankcore .
30 It is ‘ space to be ’ , when you gather up everything that crosses the threshold of your life and where it is interpreted in the light of your walk with God .
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