Example sentences of "[indef pn] [verb] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He had offered the car to Hubert for the summer on condition that everyone promised never to stand on the running boards , because they were threatening to fall off .
2 At another hatch an arm appears holding up bright enamel bowls and someone dashes forward to claim the grey cassava and fishheads .
3 Someone cares enough to sponsor his education .
4 A reader " trained " in reading according to conventional interpretation ( by means , typically , of an English degree in an institution of higher education ) would probably be more disposed towards resolving invisible metaphors than someone reading simply to pass away a boring train journey .
5 To honour someone means openly to acknowledge their worth .
6 She was disappointed to find that nothing came immediately to mind .
7 The etymology of the medieval French word carries some suggestion of what the characteristic features of tales of this genre were originally considered to be , although nothing detailed enough to form a definition .
8 When one is ill it 's the knowledge that somebody cared enough to come and see one that matters more than the flowers and the lemon barley water .
9 The Hudson 's Bay Company was so deeply involved in the struggle with the French in North America , and came so close to being overwhelmed , that nobody stepped forward to try to take its place .
10 Of course the trick is ; to dominate the game enough so that the other team ca n't get any crosses in — or there is nobody getting forward to receive them .
11 If they deport our sister from us , the family 's gon na be dead actually cos there 's gon na be nobody left here to look after them .
12 ‘ There ; ll be nobody left behind to grieve , ’ carolled Lehrer , looking on the bright side , Kahn , on the other hand , advocated massive investment in deep shelters so that at least the lucky half — or should it be the unlucky half ? — would be left behind to grieve , and to prove that war need not yet be quite abandoned as mankind 's most addictive sport .
13 And while nobody wanted precisely to abandon the Fidchell which everybody enjoyed so much , there was really no reason why they could not play it with the Gnomes tonight and save Fenella for tomorrow , or even the day after .
14 The assumption may not be justified , but it will be held until somebody comes forward to show that there are other ways of making investment in railways profitable .
15 I 've been trying to work out which issue of Woodworker — while editor — I thought was best , and as none come directly to mind , I 'd have to say it is this one .
16 It concludes ‘ Apart from the river and its natural beauties Henley has nothing to put forward to entice the holiday-maker to give a preference to the town and although the objection to a public promenade might be well-founded there can hardly be any well-grounded opposition to a golf course being laid out . ’
17 The older one moved forward to take command now that it was clear the Apaches were n't waiting in ambush .
18 One looks firstly to see whether irrelevant considerations have been taken into account ; if they have not the decision may still be struck down if it is unreasonable in the substantive sense .
19 And Steve Albini — slightly abrasive , direct and not one to compromise just to impress people — is here in this studio to remaster everything for the reissues .
20 One needs also to take into account implicit dimensions , for these are very much a part of the rhetorical structure of attitudes .
21 To determine to which technical level an element belongs , one needs only to count the number of nodes downwards from the origin ( each element constitutes a node ) : the unique first element constitutes level 1 , all elements one node removed from the origin constitute level 2 , all elements two nodes removed constitute level 3 , and so on ( in a non-branching hierarchy , there is only one element at each level ) :
22 It may even come as a surprise to some to learn that fish and chips is opaque at all ; but one needs only to consider that not any kind of fish , nor any method of cooking and presentation , will qualify for the description , and that this is not true of , say , chips and fish or even fish with chips , both of which are transparent .
23 This simple rule , embodied in the Rights of Way Act , which on its wording at least applies to ways by water as well as land , states that to recognize a way as public one needs only to show that it has been freely and openly used by the public for 20 years .
24 If one wants to explore the possibilities of Europe 's political future , one needs therefore to examine the development of European culture .
25 I think that the C I A , er , would accelerate potential for chaos , I do n't think one needs necessarily to look at 1789 or 1917 too know how great will be the dangers of civil war , possibly starting from entering public boundaries dispute , or of militaristic counter coups which threatens neighbours and rather in a , possible in a way .
26 Yet , if so , why had no one come forward to claim the corpses ?
27 One has just to look at recent results from a number of the Banks to get an idea of the vast profits being made .
28 As we shall see , to understand British politics fully one has also to go beyond that framework .
29 One has also to serve it well .
30 One has also to contend with the contribution of the Criminal Law Revision Committee , about which much could be said not least on the remarkable sortie into the defences of intoxication and mistake in its 14th Report .
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