Example sentences of "in days " in BNC.

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1 I drafted a statement for the trade union , detailing the nature of their support for me and hinting at a readiness to take further action were the matter not resolved in days .
2 Peter Dray , testing and commissioning engineer : ‘ Manifested all problems produced by BR reorganisation ; less than happy ’ with his job , as shown by performance in days up to and including November 27 ; despite having facilities , time and assistance for an independent wire count of Hemingway 's work , did not do this — far from being ‘ the last defence ’ , was no defence at all .
3 He knew from the stories he had been told in the chapel that many people in days of old had seen God or one of God 's angels .
4 Nor did I see how gods worshipped in days of continual tribal war and plunder could adjust themselves to the world where Peace is an ideal — the Christian world .
5 Bloomfield , however , sets this feast in days long past :
6 Clearly , a great deal of capital was invested in Days Mill .
7 You who in days of defeat ever bolder ,
8 For instance , in days gone by , when angling guests used to sit round one table , the board master was known as ‘ chief fork ’ .
9 In days when guests used to go out on the hill with gillies if they were fishing a large loch , and caught undersized trout , they did n't put these small fish back ; instead , they put them in a bucket , taken along for the purpose , and carefully carried the little fish to an adjacent lochan .
10 Elphin lies close to the boundary between Sutherland and Ross-shire , and in days past there were frequent disputes between the two counties as to the exact position of the boundary line .
11 It has been possible to reconstruct the complete instrument , which was a brass portable sundial with a geared calendar that showed the approximate shape of the moon and its age in days and may also have shown its position and that of the sun in the zodiac .
12 The only surviving example of the latter is a calendrical mechanism yielding the shape and age of the moon in days and the positions of the sun and moon in the zodiac .
13 Today 's children are still enraptured by the approach of the illuminated cars along the Promenade , just as they were by the Gondola and Lifeboat in days gone by .
14 Perhaps because of their colouring , and also because of their romantic associations with decorative herds roaming half-wild across extensive parklands on gentlemen 's estates in days gone by , there have been more imaginative theories about the origins and development of the two colour-pointed breeds , especially the White Park , than about any other breed in Britain .
15 It is through the study of quartered coats , as displayed in cathedrals , county archives and other reference sources that the local historian may glean much information not only on families of note ( should textual information not exist or be imprecise ) , but how tenure and ownership of estates changed hands in days long or recently past .
16 In days past , when children did not have the delights of the mass media to occupy their time for them , diary keeping was regarded as a ‘ good thing ’ for the young , just as collecting things was regarded as keeping hands and minds occupied .
17 In days of old , people of a village would meet to celebrate pagan festivals .
18 This was an important first principle , and one which we constantly have to remind ourselves of in days of limited resources .
19 As in days of yore , the competing knights were not identified by their names but by their insignia or the insignia they had adopted for the event .
20 She had revelled in old-fashioned melodramatic stories in days gone by , and had a stock of these expressions which she used in all sincerity .
21 The honeymoon is likely to be the more enjoyable for that , no longer burdened by the weight of expectation , and sometimes fear , that spoilt the experience for some in days gone by .
22 The lining of the vaginal walls can be tightened by the use of astringents such as alum , and indeed in days gone by prostitutes used to use this to fake virginity for customers who were willing to pay an extra premium for the privilege of deflowering a virgin .
23 In days gone by flogging was not simply a matter of being whipped or beaten with a variety of canes — the pizzle was also available as an instrument of punishment .
24 Schedule in days when non-Christians will be asked for a meal or some other friendship-building activity .
25 The pond , now landscaped , is fed by underground springs , and was the watering place for horses and cattle in days gone by .
26 Two more ghosts , two women — also in black — are said to have been seen about the village in days gone by .
27 In days gone by , the village belonged to the Saltmarshe family , from which the railway station takes its name .
28 Although it will probably never be a picture postcard village , during the last two or three years some farmers have started to replace the hedges that were removed a generation ago , and to plant trees , so perhaps in years to come the parish will again look something like the pictures of it in days gone by , less bleak and windswept than it does today .
29 These herbs would have been among those grown for medicinal purposes by the monks in days gone by and they may well have been planted by ponds stocked with carp in the grounds of the monastery .
30 In days gone by fishkeepers thought this problem related to sharp and abrasive gravel or rocks in aquaria .
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