Example sentences of "and to help " in BNC.

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1 His dog-leg patrimony ( his uncle was Lord Chelmsford ) has enabled him to support himself and to help some others .
2 This example of practical remembrance is paralleled in our other welfare facilities — at Sussexdown and Richard Peack House and the Eagle Lodges — and perhaps most importantly as we reach out through our Honorary Welfare Officers and out members to find and to help individuals in need .
3 The aim is to raise £10 million , and to help with this , British Telecom have donated £100,000 to the appeal .
4 During Mrs Thatcher 's administration , troops have found themselves involved in five industrial disputes — to operate prisons in 1980/81 , to drive ambulances in 1981 and 1982 , to cover for civil servants during a dispute at the Coulport submarine base in 1981 , and to help with car parking during the rail strike of 1982 .
5 During Mrs Thatcher 's administration , troops have found themselves involved in five industrial disputes — to operate prisons in 1980/81 , to drive ambulances in 1981 and 1982 , to cover for civil servants during a dispute at the Coulport submarine base in 1981 , and to help with car parking during the rail strike of 1982 .
6 In the name of international policy co-ordination , Japan held its interest rates down to support the dollar and to help America finance its external deficit .
7 In chapter 27 , when Jacob steals his blessing , the writer goes to great lengths , as we have indicated already , to evoke our sympathy for Esau , and to help us share his anguish .
8 I am writing this partly to get it clear in my head and to help me make up my mind .
9 It was a work designed to catch the eye , to tempt the curious and to help with the identification of rarities .
10 We give substantial aid to the relief of poverty and to help the struggling economies of the developing world .
11 We are also determined to raise standards in our inner city schools , to crack down on truancy , and to help prepare young people for the world of work .
12 We will make available grants and subsidies for environmentally friendly activities , such as home insulation , and to help individuals and industry adjust to our new stricter standards for pollution control .
13 Both plans were designed to assist your parents and to help on your dear sister , but above all to build up your own name and reputation in the world .
14 The grandmother of a Cornish smallholder 's family would stay the first three days of each week ‘ to help my mother to do the washing and buttermaking … and to help to do the mending ; ’ and when the children were not at school they would walk the mile and a half back to granny 's own ‘ little thatched cottage . ’
15 Depending on who you are , some of these fantasies may well come true , but for most of us , these are dreams that we keep to ourselves for company on lonely training runs and to help with motivation .
16 The centre 's goal has been to enhance the quality of life of people who have cancer , and to possibly allay progression of the disease ; to give people some feeling of control over their lives and their healthcare , and to help them cope better with having cancer .
17 Your reward , as carer , is knowing that you have done your best to make the patient comfortable and happy , and to help him through the recovery process from his illness , however long it takes .
18 She has to know how to deliver appropriate information to the patient , to overcome the neurological deficit which is the result of the brain damage , and to help him react in the way she wishes by producing carefully controlled movements .
19 Mrs Keith , Senior , who had been staying with Jim and Jean during Tina s confinement , then came back in the trap with Bruce to take up her old room at the Mackenzie 's again , and to help Hilda look after the house and wee Billy .
20 So Deborah had to be content to ride on a tree branch every Saturday morning on her way to Pack Meeting but she did long to be on the back of a real pony again and to help in the stables as she used to do , and learn how a pony should be shoed , cared for and fed , and to know and do the other things required to pass the Pony Rider test .
21 Even on the field he had his own personal trademark — flapping shirt sleeves and long , baggy shorts , which served both as a landmark for his colleagues and to help keep out the cold he felt so badly .
22 ‘ By ensuring that these inventions can be patented in all Community countries , this measure aims to encourage research in the context of the large market and to help European industry compete on equal terms with its American and Japanese rivals , who already enjoy such a facility ’ , the Commission declared .
23 A project support worker visited her daily to ensure that she ate , and to help keep her clean and safe .
24 Two days later the Marquis ' wife , a good woman , who has learned with horror something of what has happened , comes to Manette , hoping to be able to contact through him the sister she knows to survive from the murdered family , and to help her by way of making some atonement for her husband 's and her brother-in-law 's evil behaviour ; Manette can give her no information , however .
25 You may divide it into sections , such as in the tables , record it just as it is spoken , or however else you wish , but do record it for later reference and to help you learn .
26 Now , before speaking to that person , whether your boss or partner , ask your mentor to inspire you and to tell you the right time , to choose the right place and to give you the right words and the correct approach — and to help the other party accept what you have to say .
27 They are the ones who are usually prepared to co-operate with , and to help , research workers : people who are so expert that they know all the answers have no perception of the value of research .
28 I knew I had to go back to hospital but I just had time to see my mother and sister off and to help my father close up grandmother 's house and to see uncle Henry take her off to the station , with destination Somerset .
29 The responsibilities of the patient , such as to attend sessions , to be frank about progress , and to work actively at his problems ; and of the therapist , including to keep arrangements made , to listen , to ensure confidentiality , and to help the patient find solutions to his difficulties where possible .
30 They agreed to meet for three or four sessions , after which a session would be held with her parents in order to assess progress and to help Pamela further improve her communication with them .
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