Example sentences of "and to create " in BNC.

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31 His strategy was rather to canalize the enthusiasm of the diehards into party channels , to articulate their views , and to create unity from the sense of movement .
32 Adenauer in 1955 proceeded to set up a Ministry of Defence and to create a new Bundeswehr , whose first members joined up in November .
33 The co-operative and politeness principles , and the tension between them , reflect a dual purpose in human intercourse : to act efficiently together with other people , and to create and maintain social relationships .
34 Thus did the monastery come to run the valley and to create a classic example of a Pyrenean ‘ pastoral state ’ .
35 The task now confronting Pilkingtons ' senior management is to develop a conceptual understanding of their experience , and to create processes to extend the scope of change .
36 I sat in the arm-chair , gazing at the bed , wondering drearily why it was that you could n't crawl away anywhere and hide , why there were always people wherever you went , new people to get involved with and to create new meshes of unhappiness and responsibility .
37 Postwar , the field lay open for entrepreneurial capitalism to woo this sector of the population and to create new markets to service its holiday needs .
38 The most effective lessons are those where the child is given the opportunity , either as an individual or as a member of a small group , to explore and to create something original .
39 The strategy used to foreground rhematic elements and to create highly marked information structures in the above extract is the same as that used by Le Carré in The Little Drummer Girl example .
40 They remained long enough to give their name to the region of Italy where they settled , and to create the marcher duchy of Friuli as a buffer zone against attacks on their kingdom by the occupiers of the Sava-Danube lowlands — the Slavs and their overlords , the Avars .
41 Painting is popular for creating simple images because the mouse is used like a brush to colour areas and to create the effect of texture , like an impressionist painting , for instance .
42 This , perhaps , was the most fundamental objective of the reformers : to end a system in which the population was seen as a ‘ building material from which anything could be moulded ’ and to create in its place a ‘ highly moral society of free , creatively thinking , active and independent people ’ .
43 Rather , certain elements of the written narrative — its ability to mix different modes of discourse and to create logically impossible situations — will be foregrounded to the detriment of elements such as unity of point of view which came to narrative with the invention of print .
44 The effects of this delegation were to give confidence to the Polytechnic 's internal processes of review and validation and to create a body of case law about their achievement in time for the revalidation of the Course in 1984–85 .
45 He also urged booksellers to open their shops ‘ across trading hours which match when customers want to shop , including Sundays ’ , and to create a bookselling environment in which children would feel comfortable and inspired .
46 It allows us to segment the external world of experience in all manner of arbitrary ways and to create artificial internal worlds to suit our convenience .
47 That this House urges Her Majesty 's Government to use the decision to postpone the passage of the European Communities ( Amendment ) Bill as an opportunity to make a fresh start with the future development of the EEC and in particular concentrate its efforts on the chosen agenda of the British presidency which is to extend the borders of the EEC and to create a fully competitive Common Market .
48 In Northern Ireland , my Government will resolutely seek to defeat terrorism through the even-handed and energetic enforcement of the law ; to promote political progress ; to strengthen the economy ; and to create equality of opportunity and equity of treatment for all sections of the community .
49 The motivation behind the introduction of trust status is the desire to localise management and to create a greater sense of ownership and pride in the service delivered .
50 He said : ‘ I urge all those who are in a position to do so to use their influence on the men of violence from both sides of the community to end their murderous activities , and to create the only basis on which an enduring peace can be established . ’
51 An agreement reached with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) announced on May 10 was expected to release new credits and to create conditions for the rescheduling of the US$50,000 million debt [ see p. 37222 ] .
52 Nonetheless it noted that " the two teams expressed their interest and willingness in making every effort to implement a constructive search for lasting peace … [ and ] to become deeply committed to the search for a working platform to end the war and to create political conditions permitting the normalization of the lives of all Mozambican people " .
53 Five leading guerrilla commanders of the left-wing Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) issued a declaration on Sept. 25 calling for a " democratic revolution " to end a decade of civil war and the " hegemonic political and economic power of the military and the big oligarchic families , to re-establish the nation 's sovereignty and to create a lasting peace " .
54 Masire agreed , during a four-day visit to Namibia in July , to form a joint commission to promote trade and communications , and to create a protocol on defence and security .
55 Agreements were reached with Colombia in June for closer co-operation to combat drug trafficking ; with Brazil in July ( i ) to begin bilateral discussions on economic complementation within the juridical structure of the Latin American Integration Association ( ALADI ) ; ( ii ) for scientific , technical and technological co-operation over three years ; and ( iii ) to combat drug trafficking ; with Argentina in August for the peaceful use of nuclear energy ; with Spain in October for a $2,000 million economic co-operation package ; with Mexico establishing a framework for a free trade pact to ensure common tariffs on imports by June 1991 and to create a bilateral common market by 1995 ; with the USA in November lifting export restrictions on goods from small and medium-sized Chilean firms under the US generalized system of preferences ( GSP ) ; and with Czechoslovakia on future co-operation .
56 In November 1990 , however , the government acknowledged the growing trade links between Australia and Taiwan by announcing its intention to create a Taiwan Market Service in Australia , to encourage the establishment of direct air links between the two countries , and to create an Australian Education Centre in Taipei .
57 Due to be launched in July 1992 , the plan aimed to achieve annual growth in gross domestic product ( GDP ) of 5.1 per cent and to create 1,400,000 new jobs .
58 Its brief , according to a resolution unanimously agreed at the UN Security Council on March 17 , was to look at the requirements for a future peacekeeping operation and to create " mechanisms to ensure humanitarian aid can get through unhindered " .
59 At a time when more progressive countries are facilitating improved levels of communications between all sides of industry , this government sets out to cause disharmony and to create friction .
60 The programme will seek to match unemployed people with worthwhile projects and to create an ‘ intermediate job market ’ for those facing continued long term unemployment .
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