Example sentences of "['s] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 McAllister thought that when it was cooler , in the early evening , she might walk towards St Paul 's to see the sights there , and was content to sit , her feet on a tapestry-covered tuffet , finishing off her embroidery for the bazaar ; she was astonished to find how much she was looking forward to it .
2 LOCAL members and supporters of The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children held a Pro-Life Chain and Educational Stall in St Anne 's to commemorate the anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act .
3 The only hope for the suite is the rescue plan put forward by Bart 's to turn the site , in central London , into a specialist referral unit and health centre for the City .
4 If the court found the west London council had no powers to undertake them whatsoever , then ‘ the banks ’ private rights ' to enforce the deals would go .
5 Michael Dobbs ' To Play the King ( Fontana ) follows on from his House of Cards , only with no television yet .
6 In October he invented the celebrated image of " Chinghis-Khan with telegraphs ' to buttress the argument that Russia might be turning into a sort of latter-day oriental despotism .
7 Our use of " symbolic dynamics ' to describe the set also follows Smale .
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