Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] and the " in BNC.

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1 The show has aroused considerable scholarly debate over all the fields of the artist 's activities and the closing symposium in London generated lively discussion on questions of attribution and dating .
2 ‘ All these lead to a decentralisation of an organisation 's activities and the requirement of an interactive communications system .
3 The Chairman then gave her report of the year 's activities and the Treasurer delivered a concise but informative statement of the Society 's accounts .
4 But she would often tell friends how keenly she felt a responsibility not just for her employees ' jobs , but for their health , their mortgages , their children 's educations and the entire survival of the rural community in Carno .
5 The horse 's hooves and the iron cart rims made a terrible clatter on the cobblestones but at last silence fell as she came to a halt outside our door .
6 Many minority sports should be dropped and Radio 5 end its current broadcasts of a mix of sport , education , young people 's programmes and the World Service .
7 Accordingly , it is agreed that the smaller company will make a share exchange offer for the larger company , which , hopefully , will result in 90 per cent acceptances from the larger company 's shareholders and the implementation of the compulsory sale procedures , thereby enabling the smaller company to obtain 100 per cent control .
8 As well as advising on the strategic focus of the bid in relation to the target 's shareholders and the market , the opportunity might be taken to raise the public profile of the offeror generally .
9 The cash to be paid to accepting shareholders will be provided by the bidder 's shareholders and the underwriters according to the purchases they make .
10 Working class women 's groups and the Workers ' Birth Control Group , formed in 1924 , which played a major part in the struggle for access to birth control information , also found it impossible to ignore the maternalist framework in their campaign .
11 But at a local level , people 's attitudes and the Bizango 's system remain pretty much unaffected by what happens in the city , so they simply are n't interested in who 's President . ’
12 But at least their wits would have cleared again in time for Sunday 's meetings and the next milestone in the struggle .
13 ‘ Members knew about Jenkin 's proposals and the removal of a tier in the NHS and sought a monument to their existence .
14 The essence of the successful alliance is the extent of the mutual learning about the partner 's skills and the extent to which that learning can be diffused throughout the organisation to provide future strengths .
15 One study , based on sixty-six Third World firms ( and the evidence from other studies ) , found three main reasons for setting up joint ventures : host-government pressure , the need for the partner 's skills and the need for other attributes or assets .
16 She smoked continuously , even when she gave music lessons : her broad , pianist 's fingers and the white hairs of her moustache were stained a yellowy brown .
17 Rosie , who was least capable of resisting , heard several minutes of the tremors in Ruby 's fingers and the palpitations of Ruby 's heart and the pictures flashing through Ruby 's mind before Rain propelled Ruby out of the room .
18 There is a whole nightlife programme centred on Liverpool 's clubs and the music festival Africa Oye ! has its own meeting place .
19 Only the debtor himself , one or more of the debtor 's creditors and the supervisor of a voluntary arrangement can present a petition ( s 264 ) .
20 Drexel assets were calculated at some $2,600 million and it was agreed to divide these between the bank 's creditors and the various litigants .
21 When her condition deteriorated the local authority decided , contrary to W. 's wishes and the opinion of the consultant attending her , to transfer her to a unit specialising in the treatment of eating disorders .
22 A good reader is one who reads critically , with understanding : ‘ The interweaving of the reader 's meanings and the author 's meanings are what we call understanding ’ ( Meek , 1982 , p.22 ) — and with enjoyment .
23 Even if it does not lead one to obey authority more often than one would otherwise , it affects one 's reasons and the significance of one 's actions .
24 Powers were divided between the Congress of People 's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet , but it was the Supreme Soviet that met and conducted business for about eight months of the year .
25 With the collapse of the Soviet Union , the Congress of People 's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet ceased to function , but the newly independent republics have all inherited active parliaments from the Gorbachev period ( only Russia — the largest — had a Congress of People 's Deputies too ) .
26 He called for the convening of the Congress of People 's Deputies and the immediate signing of the Union Treaty .
27 Serious competitors to the CPSU included : Democratic Russia , a group organized around radical deputies in the Russian Federation parliament ; Soyuz ( Union ) , a group based on a bloc of both communist and non-communist conservative deputies in the USSR Congress of People 's Deputies and the USSR Supreme Soviet ; Democratic Reform Movement ( DRM ) , established by Shevardnadze , Aleksander Yakovlev and other CPSU dissidents on July 1 , 1991 ; Democratic Party of Communists of Russia established in July 1991 , headed by Aleksander Rutskoi , the Vice-President of the Russian Federation , which split from the conservative Russian Communist Party ; Russian Communist Party established in April 1990 , in theory the RFSFR section of the CPSU but in practice a hardline outpost of organized opposition to Gorbachev and the radical forces .
28 Despite much rebuilding and the need for dogged perseverance by Holroyd Smith and his supporters , his conduit line although equipped with primitive electrical apparatus , handled everything Blackpool 's crowds and the sea could throw at it until 1899 , when it was converted to the cheaper overhead line method now used .
29 He put an arm round Tug 's shoulders and the bare skin of his wrist lay warm and dry against Tug 's upper arm , the crisp hairs tickling slightly .
30 Annie saw the set of Jonna 's lips and the mutinous expression which came over his face .
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