Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 A school 's funding now depends above all on its pupil numbers , and open enrolment under the 1988 Act ( see Chapter 4 ) allows parents much wider choice of school for their children to attend .
2 The hon. Lady 's response admirably sums up , in one word , what the council tax is all about — absolute and unmitigated rubbish .
3 While supporting the general thrust of the strategy and its emphasis on the importance of transport to the regeneration of the regions , the CIT 's response also comments on the absence to date of an effective structure that could apply any available EC funding and carry a regional strategy forward , as well as on the need both for considerable investment in public transport and for the best use to be made of the existing transport infrastructure in serving proposed strategic development sites .
4 Provincial 's board now receives a monthly 20-page package incorporating the key financials , economic indicators and a branch activity report but also market intelligence from each of the 20 branch managers , ‘ saying what the local market is doing and suggesting any good business to be done .
5 The latter assertion represents no more than a pious belief , since Sukenick 's text repeatedly fragments itself into short phrasal units , disparate narrative strands , and oddly shifting ‘ characters ’ .
6 Not only is the passage which Husameddin quotes taken from the obituary section for the year 834 , but where Husameddin 's text apparently has ( " and he returned to his own land in Rajab of the year 834 " ) , every other one of the numerous manuscripts available , whether directly or indirectly through published texts or secondary sources , has ( " and he returned and died in his own land in the month of Rajab " ) .
7 That 's why one 's technique never stops developing .
8 The boat 's course normally heads south into the Bay of Beckenried to make calls at Buochs and Beckenried .
9 John 's case also suggests how the perceptions of those professionals involved at an early stage of an assessment and the actions that follow may influence , direct or constrain the later perceptions and actions of other professionals .
10 The real basis of the Conservative government 's case then turns on the proposition that taxation is bad for the economy whoever levies it .
11 Thus he expresses the realisation that in the still mourning is a moving power and the lyric ends with another juxtaposition , this time of two positive certainties , of the reality of the vision longed for , and of the recognition that the power to realise it is love which on man 's part essentially expresses its dynamic nature by means of patience , " the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting " .
12 Come retirement age , an old person 's fancy often seems to turn to Devon .
13 When teachers ask what librarians can offer in pupil.guidance , chartered librarians often retort that their own knowledge of children 's literature greatly exceeds that of the average teacher ( usually strikingly untutored in such matters ) , and when self-styled educational technologists wonder what a librarian can tell a student about a filmstrip , the retort in recent years has been prompt , and along the same lines .
14 Steven 's sister still keeps the pub in the village in
15 The child 's play often reflects experience in school and at home .
16 This was not done in the 1985 Act — with the result that it would be open to the Government not to comply with an order if it takes the view that the Tribunal 's decision clearly exceeds its powers under the statute .
17 Hereford and Worcester has already voted for a similar ban , Northamptonshire 's decision only has to go to the full council , and Gloucestershire votes next week .
18 Several details have been omitted and I shall say nothing about the way Venus and the Sun move around their orbits , except that the point O on Venus 's orbit always lies between the Earth ( E ) and the Sun ( S ) , that V moves around O , and O and S move around the Earth .
19 The project 's progress now rests with a series of meetings being scheduled to take place between Christo and politicians of various parties in Bonn this month , when he will be marshalling his legendary powers of persuasion and hoping to win new friends .
20 Starting 100 years ago as a way of entertaining a bored little girl on a picnic in Oxford Lewis Carroll 's story still fascinates .
21 While this interlude spoofs the love-suicide convention , though , Chubei 's story spectacularly dramatises it .
22 Tom Cruise puts in a fine performance as Ron Kovic , disabled Vietnam vet who fought back against indifference from the country he fought for , but somehow Oliver Stone 's direction still leaves the viewer unmoved by his plight
23 How frustrating it is when other people 's knitting always goes right and outs has ‘ hiccups ’ ! )
24 But the fact that the wife of Mr Bush 's challenger now chooses to raise the allegations gives the issue a new dimension .
25 ‘ La Malfa 's resignation just shows that anyone who has been involved in government for so long can be involved ( in corruption ) , however pure he may claim to be , ’ he said .
26 But Maria 's presence actually begs a question since it 's the sole moment when a startling presence swoops out of the mix .
27 Filip 's division also has a joint development programme with the Intermediate Systems Division to design RISC-based versions of the group 's mid-range computer , the AS/400 .
28 But does this not mean that God has to be affected by what happens in the world and that the challenges and frustrations which the world 's freedom continually presents to Him force ever new responses from Him , so that He is continually changing ?
29 Recognizing that , when several agencies have a finger in the pie of , say , biotechnology , it is prudent that there should be a committee to coordinate their spending , the committee 's budget then becomes an identifiable object in itself , to be judged against what may be called ‘ results ’ .
30 Being one of Cube 's posse also means they never smile .
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