Example sentences of "['s] [noun] still [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Coal 's advantage still held good when account was taken of the cost of fitting flue gas desulphurisation equipment , said Mr. Clarke .
2 Steven 's sister still keeps the pub in the village in
3 Taheb 's skin still crawled from the scribe 's touch .
4 ( The conservatory at Chatsworth was sadly demolished after World War I but many of Paxton 's improvements still remain to be seen ) .
5 Starting 100 years ago as a way of entertaining a bored little girl on a picnic in Oxford Lewis Carroll 's story still fascinates .
6 Tom Cruise puts in a fine performance as Ron Kovic , disabled Vietnam vet who fought back against indifference from the country he fought for , but somehow Oliver Stone 's direction still leaves the viewer unmoved by his plight
7 The politicians who cobbled together the convention 's proposals still call themselves Unionists .
8 But Samantha 's freedom still seemed a long way off .
9 Jane 's heart still thudded uneasily .
10 And Creaney 's heart still beats faster when he remembers a thrilling draw with Ajax of Amsterdam , including Johann Cruyff .
11 Aware that Madcap Agnew 's name was scarcely mentioned in the Hall , that the Lodge had been for many years a forbidden place , and that her father 's heart still quailed to reflect on the terrors he had suffered as a child , Louisa had not dared to let her reflections on this unhappy history reach far enough .
12 Please be sure , therefore , that the Association 's heart still has something to pump and does n't miss a beat every January .
13 Though its industry is behind , Britain 's researchers still rank among the world 's best in the science that underpins biotechnology .
14 But Labour 's ranks still embrace Bernie Grant , of Tottenham , who called the party ‘ white fascists ’ , and Paul Boateng , once the GLC 's notorious anti-police campaigner , now a Treasury spokesman .
15 Vulgrin 's castles still held out but Richard ignored them and turned against Viscount Aimar .
16 It differs significantly from these texts , however , because Warren 's books still provide the most balanced approach for teaching organic synthesis at the undergraduate level , while The logic of chemical synthesis provides an outstanding perspective for postgraduate teaching .
17 Around the harbour , fishermen 's tavernas still jostle side by side with the newer cafés and bars which have sprung up to cater for the younger market , and the main daytime activity seems to be relaxing over a quiet glass of something while watching the boats chug in and out .
18 It is still the hardest hit area with 10,381 unemployed , which , despite being a slight decrease on January 's figure still leaves 18.3pc of the area 's workforce without a job .
19 The Lieutenant 's horse still lashed and kicked on the road .
20 For the next four months the Prime Minister 's horse still has to be kept in Quarantine in Moscow and in London , Then finally John Majors will get the birthday present he never really wanted in the first place .
21 And even though we 're finally making strides at the secondary education stage , says Ward , the fact remains that 40 per cent of tomorrow 's talent still leaves school at 16 against just 4 per cent in Japan and 10 per cent in Germany , France and America .
22 The morning 's mail still lay unopened in elastic-banded bundles on Emily Lightbody 's desk .
23 It was some way from the lodging , and Paul 's attentions still made walking difficult ; it would not do to arrive dishevelled and swaying , and she had to use some of Mrs Gracie 's money on a cab .
24 A third of SNI 's revenue still comes from mainframes , and 18 new 7500 machines running the enhanced BS2000/OSD1 operating system — promised to be Posix compliant and running the Open Software Foundation 's Distributed Computing Environment by the end of 1994 — will also emerge at Hannover .
25 Fetherstone was used as a POW camp during the last World War , and the ruins of the camp 's huts still litter parklands by the river .
26 The foal 's legs still seemed too long for its body and it still was not sure where the four of them were going , but this did not deter it from frisking about .
27 Mr Li 's future still depends on public amnesia about the massacre .
28 Lord Leverhulme 's aphorism still holds the key to the Lewis problem .
29 In Robert Roberts 's farming family this seems to have been the accepted practice on both sides : later on , as a young farm servant , he went to work for an uncle where his mother 's parents still lived in the farmhouse .
30 Montgomery 's gaze still moved in slow oscillations between Sergeant Bird 's rosy face and Allen 's pale one .
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