Example sentences of "['s] [noun] now [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A school 's funding now depends above all on its pupil numbers , and open enrolment under the 1988 Act ( see Chapter 4 ) allows parents much wider choice of school for their children to attend .
2 Provincial 's board now receives a monthly 20-page package incorporating the key financials , economic indicators and a branch activity report but also market intelligence from each of the 20 branch managers , ‘ saying what the local market is doing and suggesting any good business to be done .
3 The project 's progress now rests with a series of meetings being scheduled to take place between Christo and politicians of various parties in Bonn this month , when he will be marshalling his legendary powers of persuasion and hoping to win new friends .
4 But the fact that the wife of Mr Bush 's challenger now chooses to raise the allegations gives the issue a new dimension .
5 As for open systems , Bonfield claims 85% of all the group 's products now come in this category , and the company is now seeking X/Open XPG4 accreditation for its mainframes .
6 As for open systems , Bonfield said that 85% of all the group 's products now come under this category .
7 ‘ Children 's products now account for around 22 per cent of total volume in this market ’ , said .
8 Rock 's superstars now deigned to appear only in vast stadia , remote from their audience , dependent on banks of amplifiers and lights .
9 Ghastly dwarf 's cottage now looks quaint , appealing , homely .
10 He turned , looking at the child , seeing how the boy 's chest now rose and fell gently , as if soothed by his voice , then turned back , smiling , beginning to mop up the spill .
11 But Moltke 's misgivings now began to grow .
12 But Britain 's views now count .
13 ( Artist 's heart now sinks at thought of fifteen-hour day on account of two ideas leading to twenty permutations of two-line scene : ‘ But Richard — ’ ‘ Yes , I know , but the thing is — er — let me put this another way ’ ( so far he has n't put it anyway ) — ‘ Look — ’ ( He freezes mid-pace , cocks his head as though listening to an external sound — which indeed he is — draws a deep breath through his nose , rolls up his eyes , turns down the corners of his mouth , then , forgetting to expel air because a new thought has struck him , he gasps : ) ‘ I 'll tell you what , right ?
14 An increasing amount of DCM 's turnover now comes from services other than maintenance , such as open systems and networking consultancy , software support and virus protection .
15 DANCE fans in Warrington who have been going to the Groover night at Mr Smith 's club now have a two-in-one dance night instead .
16 ‘ B'nai B'rith International 's decision-makers now seek total control over their empire .
17 ‘ B'nai B'rith International 's decision-makers now seek total control over their empire .
18 The Minister 's Department now concedes that it can not check every farm in every year .
19 The most important stage of Barbarossa 's rule now began to unfold ; in this phase he aimed to expand imperial power and to unify Italy , Alsace and Burgundy .
20 The advisory committee 's recommendation now goes to the ESA 's science programme committee , representing the scientific communities of its 13 member states , which meets in early June .
21 James 's supporters now began to toast ‘ The gallant Swede ! ’
22 When Newham 's custody of that school ceased , the standards of education were appallingly low , but Her Majesty 's inspectors now report a significant improvement in educational standards there —
23 Finished in the temperate sea paint scheme similar to the Royal Navy Historic Flight 's LS326 , Bob 's aircraft now becomes the second airworthy Swordfish in the world .
24 Voluntary organisations like the Rainer Foundation are at last being listened to and boroughs that ten years ago might have had a dozen children 's homes now have only a couple .
25 As The Athletic News pointed out , City 's future now seemed more assured , with the growing popularity of soccer in Leeds and a ‘ progressive manager ’ in Chapman .
26 The chink in the sister 's armour now made her cry the more .
27 The queen 's ovaries now begin to develop and she swells greatly .
28 But it is likely to prove empty in the end , even if the workers are right in thinking that , at this stage , they have nothing to lose and that a threat to withdraw their labour might help their union representatives wring a few more concessions from those in whose hands the firm 's fate now rests .
29 According to the Washington Post , more than a third of America 's companies now have some kind of drug-testing programme .
30 Well I think it 's it 's a hiccup , nothing more , but I think the trend is clearly established , and it 's very much agreed , it 's recognized in the Labour Party , that the world outside has changed , women are now half the workforce , women are now half the college and university graduates , women 's work now represents forty percent of our G D P , so we have to increase women 's representation to recognize the world has changed .
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