Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A school 's funding now depends above all on its pupil numbers , and open enrolment under the 1988 Act ( see Chapter 4 ) allows parents much wider choice of school for their children to attend .
2 The hon. Lady 's response admirably sums up , in one word , what the council tax is all about — absolute and unmitigated rubbish .
3 While supporting the general thrust of the strategy and its emphasis on the importance of transport to the regeneration of the regions , the CIT 's response also comments on the absence to date of an effective structure that could apply any available EC funding and carry a regional strategy forward , as well as on the need both for considerable investment in public transport and for the best use to be made of the existing transport infrastructure in serving proposed strategic development sites .
4 After the interval , chances were few and far between and most of the early play took place in mid-field , but towards the end Hucklecote applied severe pressure , but the visitor 's defence superbly mastered by outside half , Neil Smith held out for a fine hard-earned victory .
5 In the NHS it has meant allocations , based on last year 's money usually updated for inflation with additional funds for anything new .
6 BSO/Origin 's accounts also highlight the many uncertainties involved and the assumptions that have to be made .
7 When one considers that the DVR Company 's accounts also show a figure of £81,611 under other operating income from rents and charges largely generated from the Buckfastleigh site , plus over £12,500 from interest , it points to an even worse trading position .
8 This is one feature of the Faculty 's programmes highly regarded by students , as it appreciably enhances their employment prospects .
9 Savings resulting from the Energy Efficiency Office 's programmes alone have led to a current annual energy saving worth more than £500 million a year .
10 England 's bowling simply presented little threat .
11 But the Christian Democrat politicians on the agency 's board repeatedly blocked even these modest plans .
12 Provincial 's board now receives a monthly 20-page package incorporating the key financials , economic indicators and a branch activity report but also market intelligence from each of the 20 branch managers , ‘ saying what the local market is doing and suggesting any good business to be done .
13 ‘ I 'm interested in the high kitsch and the R- and X-rated love pictures ’ , Professor Rosenblum told The Art Newspaper , explaining that his lecture was based on his preface to the Jeff Koons Handbook , a pocket-sized manual of the artist 's aphorisms newly released by Thames and Hudson .
14 The latter assertion represents no more than a pious belief , since Sukenick 's text repeatedly fragments itself into short phrasal units , disparate narrative strands , and oddly shifting ‘ characters ’ .
15 Not only is the passage which Husameddin quotes taken from the obituary section for the year 834 , but where Husameddin 's text apparently has ( " and he returned to his own land in Rajab of the year 834 " ) , every other one of the numerous manuscripts available , whether directly or indirectly through published texts or secondary sources , has ( " and he returned and died in his own land in the month of Rajab " ) .
16 Coal 's advantage still held good when account was taken of the cost of fitting flue gas desulphurisation equipment , said Mr. Clarke .
17 The photographs were taken over a period of ten years , and eventually they were brought together in a book in 1960 ; ten of the book 's essays originally appeared in Vogue , where the appealing mix of an artist 's conversation along with Liberman 's descriptions and commentary succeeded well .
18 The New Statesman editorial made an interesting comment : ‘ Labour 's image-makers clearly thought family values had to be stressed to counteract … alleged broadsides against heterosexism ’ ( sic ) .
19 That 's why one 's technique never stops developing .
20 Women 's groups also resented the imposition of limits for gender discrimination while damages for racial bias were unlimited .
21 She became treasurer to the Women 's Social and Political Union , and with her husband 's support soon became a key figure in the suffragette movement .
22 Ward 's counsel also suggested that at the time of her original trial large amounts of vital evidence had not been passed on to the defence .
23 The boat 's course normally heads south into the Bay of Beckenried to make calls at Buochs and Beckenried .
24 John 's case also suggests how the perceptions of those professionals involved at an early stage of an assessment and the actions that follow may influence , direct or constrain the later perceptions and actions of other professionals .
25 Quoting diplomatic sources at the UN , the newspaper said that Gulf Arab governments which backed the UAE 's case increasingly perceived Iran as a threat to their security and as an argument in favour of a continued US military presence .
26 PS : If anyone thinks that I may be overstating the Hart boy 's case then listen to his blindingly good solo album , ‘ Intolerance ’ .
27 The real basis of the Conservative government 's case then turns on the proposition that taxation is bad for the economy whoever levies it .
28 ‘ That meeting with Ken and his decision to make Ken 's part big made it a sort of broken-back type of play .
29 The Tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing and observing the covenants on the Tenant 's part herein contained the Landlord hereby covenants with the Tenant as follows :
30 Thus he expresses the realisation that in the still mourning is a moving power and the lyric ends with another juxtaposition , this time of two positive certainties , of the reality of the vision longed for , and of the recognition that the power to realise it is love which on man 's part essentially expresses its dynamic nature by means of patience , " the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting " .
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