Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The international community 's response took various forms .
2 These simple changes to her father 's response enable this mildly handicapped child to acquire the socially necessary ability to wait in a definite and positive manner .
3 Finnegan has made arrangements for his wife 's income to cover those outstanding debts .
4 Middlesbrough showed more controlled football against a side that was booed off at half-time by the home crowd but which stepped up pressure after the break , only to find Boro 's defence holding firm .
5 Adil Carcani Chairman ( Prime Minister ) Pali Miska Deputy Chairman ; Minister of Agriculture Hekuran Isai Deputy Chairman ; Minister of Internal Affairs Reis Malile Foreign Affairs Kico Mustaqi People 's Defence Bujar Kolaneci Chairman of the State Planning Commission Simon Stefani Chairman of the State Control Commission Andrea Nako Finance Besnik Bekteshi Industry and Mining ; Energy ( acting ) Bashkim Sykaj Light Industry Ylli Bufi Foodstuff Industry Ismail Ahmeti Construction Hajredin Celiku Transport Pajtim Ajazi Domestic Trade Shane Korbeci Foreign Trade ( vacant ) Public Services Skenda Gjinushi Education Ahmet Kamberi Health Service Enver Halile Justice Farudin Hoxha Minister to the Presidium of the Council of Ministers Niko Gjyzari Minister , General Secretary of the Council of Ministers
6 After the interval , Swindon sharpened their wits and began to make the heart of United 's defence look ponderous .
7 He expanded the firm 's activities to include technical and ‘ home education ’ publications ; fiction soon followed .
8 Communication may break down because the task of the manager and the volunteer is diverging , so that the manager 's activities seem distant to the volunteer .
9 Last year 's activities included explanatory talks , simple construction projects , radio fox hunting , Morse instruction , radio operating with contacts as far away as Australia , USA and Japan , including opportunities for attendees to chat to the overseas operators , and experiments with a kite antenna .
10 The group 's activities include several half-day seminar meetings , a one-day research workshop and a two-day residential Conference .
11 But if Winckelmann 's activities evoke this Petrarchan world , they do so only momentarily .
12 As we might have guessed , the importance of Laurence 's wife 's money overrode any other consideration .
13 ‘ It 's a shocking situation , and I am spending every single minute of every single day and every last dollar of my father 's money to correct this evil . ’
14 The horse 's hooves ringing clear ?
15 Now she was rattling along the empty streets , the horse 's hooves sounding sharp and crisp in the silence .
16 Howard 's accounts received such widespread attention at the time and are still read two hundred years after his death because he so precisely ‘ set down matter of fact ’ .
17 A surviving volume of pursers 's accounts shows another Bristol ship going to Oran in 1480–1 ( 94 , pp.226–9 ; 100 ) .
18 The Arbroath guidebook 's glossary has some of these — ‘ clearstorey : the range of windows in the upper part of a building ; Frater : a monastic refectory or dining hall [ alas not taken from the Latin for ‘ brother ’ , but from a French reduction of ‘ refreshment' ] ; Gablet : a decorative design in the form of a small gable , often above a window ; Pend : a vaulted passageway [ several pends in St Andrews ] ; Slype : a passage ; Triforium : the arcaded gallery between the main arcade and clearstorey ; Tympanum : the enclosed space within the head of an arched doorway [ does that mean it has a space behind like a drumhead — an open space inviting impressions to be made upon it ? ] ’
19 Watching closely , Davies noticed that as the male pecked , the female 's cloaca became pink and distended .
20 If Mr. Collins had sought to base an argument on the omission from the rules which I have characterised as unfair , we should have had to consider whether the opportunity given to Winchester on 6 November 1990 to make representations to Lautro 's board rectified this defect .
21 Dilwyn Bowles 's hernia appeared last September after he fell over a kitchen chair .
22 Hadleigh 's winner came eight minutes before the end when Keys set up the chance for Smith to score his second with a shot on the run .
23 Under such an arrangement ( known as an open offer and clawback ) underwriters agree to purchase the requisite number of consideration shares from accepting shareholders at the agreed price , to the extent that the latter elect to receive cash , subject to the right of the bidder 's shareholders to buy such shares at the same price in priority to the underwriters .
24 Sylvester 's text considers these factors and balances them against the feebleness with which Magritte might execute dull repetitions of his more popular compositions .
25 Does this cause Milton 's text to become compromised , its message rendered politically neutered ?
26 Income support rise ‘ derisory ’ : This week 's rise takes many pensioners back to where they were 18 months ago , Sue Fieldman reports
27 But the first parliament of Mary 's regency anticipated this , for reasons which were purely political rather than moral , when it utterly banned ‘ Robert Hood nor Little John Abbot of Unreason ( and ) Queens of May ’ in both town and countryside .
28 In sensual love , people 's judgement becomes distorted and the loved object ( Freud always uses ‘ loved object ’ , not ‘ loved person ’ ) is highly evaluated , and faults are not seen — the tendency termed ‘ idealization ’ .
29 The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds conservation officer for Lothian and Borders , Peter Gordon , said : ‘ The wanton killing of this beautiful bird is sickening in itself and also a setback to the peregrine 's attempts to recolonise this part of Scotland . ’
30 The plan was revealed to The Scotsman by campaigners against Strathclyde 's attempts to close three other RC secondaries and a non-denominational secondary on the south side of Glasgow .
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